Chapter Four

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Get ready for some angst B). Don't have much to say so yah :D. Enjoyy

[Word count: 1504] n i c e

Scar awoke with a jolt. He quickly fumbled around in his chamber for the lamp. He struck a match and lit the candle. As the warm light filled the room he opened the curtains. It was still dark out but the sun began peering over the horizon.

He wasn't exactly sure why he woke up so early but it didn't bother him. The prince quickly changed and silently slipped down the stairs of his tower. As he moved through the stone halls, he fidgeted with the emerald ring on his finger. The elf quickly found his friend's chamber and knocked on the door.

Mumbo awoke to a quiet knock at his door. Who the hell is awake at this hour? The servant thought, opening the door to see the prince. "Wha-? Oh, are we leaving already?" Mumbo asked, letting Scar into his room.

"Yes?" The brunette remarked, "I told you we'd be leaving in the morning." Mumbo sighed, fixing his mustache.

"Mmm. I suppose that was the agreement. Well, there is a set of daggers on the chest over there," The noirette commented, pointing to a wooden chest.

As he said, there was a set of daggers, two actually. Scar grabbed the pair with the golden hit, small emeralds glinted in the light. The prince attached the halter to his belt, letting his cloak cover the blades.

Scar's best friend fixed his hair and grabbed his own cloak along with his set of daggers. The two hurried through the quiet halls, the only sound being the shuffle of their cloaks. They quickly slipped into the outer city and looked around.

As the sun rose higher into the sky, the market burst into life. Vendors quickly assumed their positions at their stalls, shouting out their early morning goods. Shop signs flipped from "closed" to "open" and people began to rush throughout the plaza in search of the newest stock.

The bustle of the people filled the air as the prince and his friend strolled through the busy market.

As the two explored the plaza, Scar kept a careful eye for a pair of bright wings or someone with the same blonde hair as the thief that appeared on his windowsill. Unfortunately for the prince, the avian he was looking for was well hidden.

Atop one of the many buildings, a blonde kept watch over the several people wandering amongst the market stalls. There were more guards than before. Thanks to me the plaza is safer! Grian grinned. Although the avian was looking for unworthy nobles, something else had a little more priority on his mind. It wasn't until he spotted the blue-tipped ears of the prince that he descended from his perch on the roof.

As Grian weaved through the crowd, slowly approaching the elf, a glint of emerald caught his eye. He noticed a ring on Scar's finger and quickly stowed it away. He also caught a glimpse of the daggers and took one for himself. How kind of him to think of me, Grian chuckled to himself as he slipped away, quickly resuming his seat on a near by building.

As he studied the ring, a rolled-up slip of paper fell out. Grian quickly unrolled it to reveal a note written neatly in a flowing script.

It seems you have gotten my ring. I thought you stole from the unworthy? Well, now I know you have it and I expect its return.

Grian read the message and smiled. "Very clever princeling," The avian remarked, "I'll give you that, only it seems you forgot one tiny detail. All you said is you expect its return, not when it returns." The avian glided into the forest and landed atop one of the trees, his talons gripping the branch.

.:A Stolen Heart:. [Hermitcraft Royal AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now