Chapter Three

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Hi. I keep forgetting about the Q&A, sorry T-T. I will list below the things you can ask.
1. You can ask the characters from either book questions.
2. You can ask me questions (about the book or myself).
3. You can request one-shots (if you think I should do that).

4. You can request more drawings (if you'd like that).

5. You can give me suggestions/recommendations/feedback.
Also! Grian is very flirty in this AU ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). Anyway, I hope you enjoy! (Mentions of weapons FYI)

[Word count: 1538] *is proud*

As the moon disappeared over the horizon Grian awoke. He stood, stretching out his colourful wings. Professor Beak shifted in his open cage, staring at the avian. "Squawk! Where going? Squawk!" The macaw questioned his owner.

Grian walked over to the small ebony table and picked up his satchel. "I'm off to pay the little prince a visit," Grian grinned, flicking the bands into his bag and dropping the earrings in as well.

He grabbed the black cloak and shoved it into the bag as well. The avian then grabbed a brown hat, styled like the chapeaus nobles wore, a single red feather protruded from the cap and Grian quickly adjusted it before putting it on. The hat covered most of his dusty blonde hair and his pointed ears.

He grabbed a matching waistcoat and slipped it on. The easiest way to get into town unnoticed by the nobles is to become one! The avian thought as he strode to the ladder that hung down.

Hoisting himself up, he turned to Professor Beak, "Watch over the place for me okay? And you can go whenever you want just make sure nothing finds us," He instructed his feather friend.

The macaw nodded and Grian ascended the ladder. He climbed up through the tree trunk and stepped out onto one of the many branches. Leaping from the tree, Grian landed on the soft, mossy floor. The air was fresh and faint bird calls could be heard as the forest awoken.

Grian jogged to the entrance of the city and when he was in sight of the guards, slowed to a walk. Gliding through the gates with ease, offering the soldiers a small wave before making his way into the market.

His original plan was to get as close to the castle in his noble disguise as he could and then switch to his cloak but as he made his way through the already crowded plaza, a small glimmer of light caught his eye.

Distracted by the shiny object, Grian made his way to the window of the jewelry store. On display in the front case was a highly decorated crown. The silver metal twisted and wound seamlessly together forming a constellation-like formation, a large moonstone carved into the shape of a star was embedded in the front. Magnificent crown from Isaedririd huh? Grian thought, studying the crown from a distance, It looks oddly familiar... No matter, I might as well grab it on my way.

The avian slipped into the store, keeping his head low. Several nobles crowded in the store admiring the various jewels. One attendant kept an alert eye on the shoppers. Grian glanced around, thinking of a plan to distract the worker. He walked over and studied one of the rings. An idea popped into his head and he turned to the attendant.

Clearing his throat and deepening his voice he asked, "Do you by chance have a similar ring in a different size? I was hoping for something... larger, more ornate."

The attendant studied the ring and asked him to wait as she headed to the back. Now was his chance. He looked around quickly and saw a 'sold out' sign. Grabbing it quickly he swapped the crown and the sign, slipping the ornate headpiece into his bag.

.:A Stolen Heart:. [Hermitcraft Royal AU] [Scarian]Where stories live. Discover now