The First Trial.

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As warriors flooded to the weapon carts Nivét was already killing those who forgot their weapons, striking them down, spilling blood all over the courtyard floor. She shouted; "FOR GLORY!!!"

Rune breathed fire and kicked those who tried to sneak up on Nivét. The unstoppable duo spilled gallons upon gallons of blood... Nivét ran off, removing head from shoulders, legs and arms from torsos and leaving them to bleed out. "You utter FOOLS!" She laughed. "Why did thou come here with no weapons? And why do you let your guards down?!" She mocked those she killed and she spun around, thrusting her sword through the chest plate of a warrior running up from behind.

Off in the distance Rune would growl, he was stabbed. Hearing his call she slid, cutting the legs off of several warriors to get back to her steed. She returned to him. "Sorry boy, I got carried away." Back by her horses side they slaughterd quite a few people; the pair the strongest there.

In the distance, the balcony where the head councilman stood; a trumpet fanfare loud enough to wake the gods. "Those of you whom remain, step forth and enter the ballroom!" The large castle doors beneath the balcony slowly creaked open, a bright light blinding those remaining blood covered warriors in the square......

END Chapter 5, The First Trial.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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