The Castle.

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Laying next to Runic Nivét sharpens her sword, waiting for the head of the council to make their appearance and announce the first challenge.

"Hey Rune, some of these guys took really tough". Nivét mocked the others whom wished to become the ruler of the lands. "Such a shame, we might just lose!" She laughed, petting Rune's snout and slipping him a carrot. The pair waited in silence getting glares from those disgusted by Rune. Nivét stood and stretched just as the head councilman appeared on the balcony.
"Perfect timing, stand tall Runic." She gently urged him to his hooves and he stood tall and proud besides Nivét.

"Greetings people of area 1, Xhe3546..." The head councilman's voice roared like thunder over the hundreds of warriors. "You have come here to prove yourselves worthy of leadership to provide hope, peace, and safety for your people. So without further ado... The first challenge you must..." Nivét grew anxious, she had that itch again, she wanted to fight. "Fight in a tournament against your rivaling warriors, we have provided weapons for you below..." Nivét grew excited, she gets to fight hundreds of warriors unknowing of the outcome. "It starts now.."

Without hesitation every warrior ran for weapons but Nivét slashed the throats of those around her, blood on her face she laughed. "FOR GLORY!"

END Chapter 4, The Castle.

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