Let Chaos Ensue.

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"Now with Queen Kaj dead and no heir to the throne the people are beginning to lose hope, most committing suicide so the monsters don't have the pleasures of sinking their long fang into their flesh and tearing them to pieces. Just as I hoped! Chaos has ensued!" Nivét would chuckle.

"With the Queen dead the remaining council members had to act fast; the people of Planet Xhe3546 needed a new leader to bring hope and peace to this once "great" land. They would hold a tournament to find the strongest, smartest, and most brave warrior to lead them all.... You best fucking believe I joined! None of these fools knew it was I who slaughtered their queen in cold blood. " A smirk spread across her face, she was going to fix the broken world, for glory, for peace, and to make things right.

Nivét wasted no time upon getting word of a new ruler through trial. She would hoist herself up onto the back of her mighty horse, Runic, and journey to the center of the kingdom. "Well Runic, what kind of trailer trash warriors do you think showed up for the trial?" She patted Runic's neck and he let out a deep growl. "This'll be quite—.."

Nivét was cut off by a blood curdleing scream, it didn't sound human... From a dark alley way a demons head slowly emerged. This thing was new to Nivét so she smiled a great smile and unsheathed her sword. She held forth the sword and with Runic's fiery breath he set her sword ablaze! Nivét ushered Runic forward and charged at the almighty beast.

"This will be fun!!" Nivet stood on her horses back as they charged the demon, sword in hand she prepared to... Jump!

End, Chapter 2, For Glory.

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