"Feeling any better now?" Harry asked unloading the warm sac like object onto Niall's chest. NIall gave a little cough which shook his frame causing the sac to almost roll off his body, but once Harry held it to his chest for him you could see him finally close his droopy eyes again with a face of relief.

"It's a bit better. Thanks." Niall said, voice still very hoarse and dry from the constant coughing.

"Here's some tea for you mate. We made some extra just in a case you finish the last batch quickly. Dont want to keep you waiting now do we." Zayn said, passing on the warm cup of Honey Herbal tea to him. Niall tried to sniff it to see what it would smell like, however he forgot that his sinuses were totally blocked and that meant that he would barely even be able to taste it anyways so he just drank it the second after he got it. By now, it was all of us centered around Niall in the room of his big bed and now we were waiting for Paul to make his way here with the medic to check up on Niall again for about the third time so far.

"You guys realise you don't have to take care of me. I'm just fine resting alone." Niall said, coughing into his elbow in mid sentence. He sniffed and looked up at all of us in the eyes while sipping the rest of his tea to suppress the pain his throat got from his cough which did indeed still look and sound painful.

"Nonsense. We're glad to stay back with ya while you're under the weather." Louis said rubbing Niall's back.

"Yeah it's the least we could do to help you." I said.

"Well thanks. The heat pad was a really great idea by the way." Niall said looking at the sac that me and Harry were gently pressing onto his chest.

"How does it make you feel? Better? Worse?" I asked.

"Better." Niall said quietly. As we stayed quiet to give Niall some peace in his room, minutes later Paul reached our room with the medic that would hopefully tell him he's doing better. It was really hard to see Niall so miserable like this.

"So is he any better?" Paul asked. The nurse checked his temperature by her hand touching his forehead, then attempted to measure it using a thermometer through Niall's mouth. However every time that Niall tried to keep the thermometer in his mouth he'd keep on coughing it out so we had to use a different thermometer that would hopefully give a less accurate temperature using some other part of the body where Niall's coughing wouldn't affect it. The nurse put it under his arm quickly, trying to prevent any tickling because we all knew Niall was ticklish there.

"Sorry if you're feeling uncomfortable hun. Just want to make you better." the nurse said, probably because she saw Niall's saddened face under the covers.

"He's just really tired right now. He hasn't slept properly in the last few days due to his cough." Louis said rubbing Niall's chest.

"Oh, seems this is getting pretty bad. Is he feeling dizzy at all?" the nurse asked, removing the thermometer from Niall's arm to look at it. "His temperature is about 101 degrees right now. He must feel really uncomfortable." she added on.

"Well he's been really depressed and stuff, though you can't blame him when he's been in bed for days with pneumonia." Paul said, giving a heavy sigh at the end.

"Ok well i'm going to give you guys some fever reducers, and once he takes that, leave him for some more rest. If he's not tired, then let him relax and give him some warm tea and that should be it for the day until he has to take his next dose of medicine. Will that be alright?" the nurse asked politely.

"Absolutely. Thank you so much." Louis thanked the nurse shaking her hand. Paul led her out and after came back in the room with a  little reminder list of what we had to give Niall to make him better.  

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