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Niall's POV

You always knew it would never be a good day if you woke up with a cough. I didn't wake up by coughing this morning, in fact, I got woken up by Liam. However my cough was still very prominent. We had just gotten breakfast about an hour ago and now it was time to finally do our first activities for the day which was first a formal meeting, then an interview.

However I wasn't up to the idea of everything today. My cough had gotten progressively worse throughout the night and my cough was so wet it was uncontrollable. I was sniffling and coughing every second and my throat and chest hurt like crazy. It felt like someone had stepped on my chest every time I even took a simple breath of air.

I knew that Harry could see me suffering the most out of all the other boys. I usually sat with him in the car and i'd always eat breakfast beside him. It was nothing personal against everyone else in the band, it was just that I felt really close to Harry when I was unwell despite Zayn's caring actions, Liam's parenting attitude, and Louis' precautionary decisions.

We were currently in the car awaiting to meet our first destination, which was where we would be holding a meeting with management. Paul said it was going to be very disclosed and exclusive so he would not be allowed in for the first meeting, but then after he would be having a separate meeting with management to discuss some things and then we'd be let out and we would be able to enjoy some treats while he had his meeting.

The other boys were excited for the treats that we would be offered after the meeting, and I wished that I could have been just as excited, but I didn't even have an appetite. I just felt so tired even though i'd gotten up a long time ago. I couldn't even keep awake in the car ride while we had all these screaming fans chasing after us. It all just sounded like muffled sirens as I tried to sleep into Harry's shoulder who was sitting beside me in our black van.

"Still tired Niall?" Harry asked. I nodded, digging deep into Harry's chest while I tried to fall in a deeper sleep. Though every time I tried to fall asleep, my lungs just felt so itchy and it was bothering me so much. I had to keep scratching my throat and I was guessing that it was pretty obvious even though I was trying to not make it noticeable that I was feeling so sick.

Paul was in the car with me and Harry to make sure that my temperature wasn't getting too out of control and other than the fact that I kept on getting interrupted by my lungs and dry throat, I had Paul's oddly cold hand touching my forehead every 10 minutes along with some bumps that came from the road that shook Harry, Paul and I all over and about the car seats.

"You don't look too good there Nialler. Are you sure you don't want to go back to the hotel?" Paul asked me, right after feeling my head for about the hundredth time. I looked up at him a bit annoyed, but I couldn't help the fact that I was getting badgered with all these questions. I was just so sleepy and I was really regretting my decision for coming out of bed today.

"M'fine." I said quietly, letting out a deep sigh. Sadly, that deep sigh turned into a wet cough which turned into more and more and more coughs that just racked my body. Harry kept on asking me if I was ok while he helped me recover from what seemed like a close to death experience from my lungs, while Paul dug around the car for some water.

Once he found some water he quickly passed it to Harry who gave it to me. I sipped it being relieved by the nice cold liquid trickling down my dry throat. To them, me getting water didn't exactly seem like a big deal, however the water rejuvenated me just a bit and at least now I was a bit more lively.

"That cough sounds pretty bad. Are you sure it isn't something worse than a cold?" Harry asked, still rubbing my back as I drank the rest of the water out of the bottle.

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