Chapter 23 (Kurt)

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I pulled up to the school and noticed Blaine looked strange.

"Are you okay, Blaine?"

"I'm just a little nervous; I mean, I've never been to a dance...I've never attended any events at school; I'm lucky I even got to go to school."

"Lucky and school...never thought I'd hear those words together." I joked; Blaine smiled a little.

"Listen, if you need to wait a bit, we can wait as long as you want."

"No...I'm-I'm okay, I'll be okay, as long as you're with me."

"Okay." I got out of my car, ran to his door, and opened it.

"Well, thank you."

"Of course." I smiled and held out my hand, Blaine took it without hesitation, and our fingers laced together.

We made our way inside and to the gym; everyone was dancing.

"You made it!" Rachel exclaimed, pulling both Blaine and me to the center.

"Yes, we're here, Rach."

"Hey Blaine, it's good to see you," Quinn said while dancing with Puck.

"Good to see you too, Quinn," Blaine smiled.

"Well, do you want to dance? Or there's some snacks or punch?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Let's get some punch before Puck spikes it."

"What?" Blaine asked, confused, and I followed him to the punch bowl where Coach Sylvester was standing.

"Hold it, Porcelain, Mrs. Porcelain."

Blaine furrowed his brow in confusion, "Is that supposed to be me?"

"What do you two want?"

"We just want some punch, Coach."

"Empty your pockets!"

"There's nothing in our pockets...." Blaine said, "Just our cellphones" Blaine and I pulled our phones out of our pockets, and Sue sighed.

"Alright, get!" She said and stepped out of our way.

"What was that about?"

"Sue always guards the punch bowl," I said, then filled a cup full of the fruit punch for Blaine and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

Time passed, and Blaine and I were dancing to a song together.

"You said you didn't know how to dance?!"

"No, I didn't know how to slow dance! This kind of dancing I know how to do!" Blaine shouted over the music before he spun me and dipped me.

"Woah!" I laughed, and Blaine pulled me close and kissed me.

"How are you enjoying your first dance?"

"I love it...I love being here with you."

I was gazing into his beautiful eyes when we suddenly heard a screeching sound, but it was just Figgins tapping the microphone.

"Quiet children, please, will our candidates for prom king and prom queen come onto the stage, please." Quinn, Tina, and another girl stepped onto the stage along with Puck, Mike Chang, and a guy I recognized from one of my classes.

"As per their request, will Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson come up to the stage, to crown our new prom royalty."

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