Chapter 17 (Finn)

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I finished my shower, walked to my locker, and changed into the clothes in my locker.

"Yo, bro!" I heard Puck walk up to me.

"Sup man?"

"Me and the guys are going to breadstix; wanna come with us?"

"Oh, um, maybe; who all is going?"

"Just Sam and Mike Chang."

"I can see. Let me call Kurt." I clicked on Kurt's contact after a couple rings, it went to his voicemail.

"Hello, this is Kurt Hummel-" I hung up.

"Weird, let me try again." I clicked on his contact, voicemail again, and I suddenly got a bad feeling.

"Uh, I'll be back." I walked out of the locker room and saw Mr. Schue leaving.

"Hey, Mr. Schue!"

"Hey Finn, what's up?"

"Uh, nothing; is-is Kurt still here? He came to talk to you, and he isn't answering his phone."


"Yeah, you know Kurt, my brother."

"Kurt never came to see me,"

"He never...okay, um, he's probably in his car then, thanks, Mr. Schue."

I walked outside and saw Kurt's navigator in the parking lot; as I walked to the car, I felt something under my shoe; it was Kurt's car keys, and his phone was next to them; I was officially panicking.

"Kurt? Kurt?!" I called

"Dude!" I turned and saw Puck running behind me

"What's going on?"

"I don't know; Kurt's gone; I found his phone and car keys on the ground."

"I'll line up the guys, and we'll help you look."

"Okay, I've got to call mom and tell her."

I climbed into Kurt's navigator and started it, I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel.

Me: I need help, Kurt's gone, I can't find him anywhere!

Rachel: What?! I'll pass the message to the others, we'll find him.

I clicked on my mom's contact, and after a couple rings, she answered.


"Mom, we have a problem!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's Kurt; I can't find him-"

"What?! God he did the exact thing I told him not to do!"

"Which is what?"

"His friend Blaine is in trouble; according to him, his parents are not really his parents; we sent some officers down."

"Wow, that's a lot."

"I told him not to go after his friend, and he did exactly that!"

"Um...actually, I don't think he did."

"What do you mean?"

"Because his car's still here, his keys, his phone, everything."

"Oh my god...okay, I'm gonna go out and look for him, don't tell Burt unless we absolutely need to,"

"Got it."

"I love you, and please be careful going home."

"I love you too," I said, then hung up.

"God, Kurt, please be okay."

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