Chapter 10 (Blaine)

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I climbed out of Kurt's car and slowly began making my way home.

"Blaine, wait!" I heard Kurt's voice behind me, so I turned around.

"," Kurt said, taking his scarf off and wrapping it around my neck.

"Keep it; it'll keep you warm." He said; I smiled, then Kurt kissed my cheek; I could feel my face burning.

"See you tomorrow." He said and got back in his car and drove away.

I opened the door and carefully shut it. My parents must have been asleep because they didn't scold me for being out late.

I succeeded in making my way upstairs without making a sound.

I fell back on my bed, holding onto the scarf that Kurt gave me. I quickly removed the gel from my hair and changed into my pajamas. All I could think of as I drifted into sleep was Kurt, how I almost kissed him, and how his lips felt on my cheek.

The following day was Sunday when Mom and Dad usually go out and spend time with friends or whatever, and I usually take this opportunity to get a coffee from the best Cafe, The Lima Bean!

I quickly changed into clean clothes, applied gel to my hair, put on my coat and wrapped the scarf Kurt gave me around my neck, and walked out the door.

I finally made my way to The Lima Bean and walked through the doors and saw one person standing in line and thought I'd better get in line before that one person turned into one hundred people. I pulled out my notebook and wrote down my coffee order when the person in front of me ordered.

"Can I get a nonfat mocha?" That voice was so familiar. I tapped the person on the shoulder, and they turned around; it was Kurt!

"Blaine! Hey, what are you doing here..." He asked; I shrugged with a smile.

"Wait, it's a coffee shop; you're probably here to get a coffee, right?" Kurt asked; I nodded and smiled.

"What do you usually get?

I pulled out my notebook and showed it to Kurt.

A medium drip.

"Okay. Um, excuse me!" Kurt called, and the barista came out.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Can I also get a Medium drip?"


I pulled out my notebook and quickly wrote in it.

Why did you do that?

"Because I wanted to," Kurt smiled; the barista returned with our coffees.

"One medium drip and one grande nonfat mocha"

"Thanks. Here you go," Kurt smiled, holding my coffee to me; I smiled and took it.

"So, do you have any other plans?" I pulled out my notebook.

Probably not much, my parents are gonna be back soon and they're gonna be really upset if I'm not home.

"Your parents really are strict, aren't they?" I once again began writing in my notebook; I wanted to tell Kurt everything, but how much can you fit into one notebook?

My parents don't want me to find my soulmate, or have my voice, I don't know why.

"What?!" Kurt exclaimed I quickly put my finger to his mouth to tell him to be quiet.

"Blaine, that's horrible. That should count as some form of child abuse; they can't keep you from finding your soulmate."

I wrote in my notebook again.

They have for years.

"That's—Blaine, you have to tell someone,"

I quickly wrote in my notebook in fear.

Kurt you can't tell anyone! If they find out I told you, they'd kill me! Or worse.

I glanced out the window and saw my parents' car driving by, and I started to panic.

"Blaine, what's wrong?!" Kurt asked.

I quickly wrote in my notebook.

I need a ride home! But drop me off where you dropped me off last time.

"Blaine, I can't take you back to that house!" Kurt exclaimed. I quickly ripped out the pages I had written in and gave them to Kurt.

"Blaine! Blaine, come back!" Kurt exclaimed as I ran out the door. 

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