Chapter 2 (Kurt)

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I watched Blaine leave with his mother; she seemed a little harsh on him. It must have just been a bad day; we all get them.

I looked down at my hand and saw the piece of paper in it, the one Blaine quickly handed me; I was about to open it and see what it said when I heard Mercedes behind me.

"Hey, White Boy! Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I said, then shoved the paper into my pocket.

"Thanks for giving me a ride Kurt."

"You're welcome; I have to give Finn a ride anyway." At that time, Finn came up to the car.

"Well, perfect timing." I chuckled and then started the car.

"Let's get going. I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry, Finn!"

"Your point?"

"Alright, let's go."

We arrived at Breadstix and met up with Rachel and Puck.

"Hi, how many?" The waitress asked.

"Five, please," I responded.

"Right this way." She guided us to a table.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Diet Coke," I replied.

"Okay, one diet coke."

"Just water for me, please; too much sugar isn't good for my throat," Rachel said. Finn ordered the same, and Puck asked for a Pepsi.

"So, Sectionals is coming up; what are we thinking?" Finn asked, eating a breadstick.

"I think we'll probably end up singing a Journey song knowing Mr. Shue." Puck laughed.

"Guys, seriously! If we win Sectionals this year, we will go to Nationals!" Rachel exclaimed, and everyone cheered. I was lost in my thoughts about Blaine.

"Kurt...Kurt!" Finn called; I was pulled back to reality.


"Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I just- I'm just daydreaming."

"This about that guy that was getting bullied by the football team?"

"His name is Blaine. And y-yeah."

"What's up?"

"I just feel bad. I know what it's like to be in his shoes. Silent, terrified, and I just hope he finds his soulmate."

"I'm sure he will."

I dropped Mercedes at home, and then Finn and I went home.

"Burt not home yet?"

"No, I think he's getting off work now, and he should be home."

"Okay. Well, I've got to get started on this homework, yawn!"

"Yeah, me too; I don't want to fail algebra."

"Me neither. Mr. Barton is a bit of a hard ass."

Finn and I made it downstairs to our room, we're currently sharing one, but hopefully, we'll be able to move to our own rooms because I can't take any more of Finn's snoring!

"God, I'm tired...." Finn yawned.

"I have a feeling this homework isn't gonna help." I laughed; I slipped my hand into my pocket to grab my phone when I felt something brush against my fingers. It must have been the paper Blaine gave me. I pulled out both my phone and the paper; it was folded.

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's the paper Blaine gave me before he left with his mom."

"Why did Blaine give you a piece of paper?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Maybe it's his number." Finn joked.

"Funny," I laughed.

"I'm gonna grab a soda!" Finn said, walking out of the room.

"Will you grab me one?"


"Diet Coke!"

"I know what you like!"

I laughed; I sat my phone down and unfolded the paper on my bed.

"Uh, Finn..." I called.

"What?" He asked, coming back in the room with two sodas in hand.

"T-take a look at this" I handed him the paper. He was as startled as I was.

We both stared at the notebook paper, transfixed on what was written on it.


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