Chapter 1 (Blaine)

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I snoozed my ringing alarm, changed into my gray polo top with purple jeans and a matching bowtie, and then applied a generous amount of gel to my hair.

I came downstairs, and my mother was making breakfast; she applied a spoonful of eggs to my plate, and I nodded to thank her.

I swear I'm not being a brat by not talking to her; I literally cannot talk at all. When we are born, our voice is sealed until we kiss our soulmate. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the crazy world I live in.

"You're going to be late; let's go." My mother demanded; I quickly finished my eggs and threw my bag over my shoulder.

It was my first day back at William McKinley High, and I hope this year goes well.

Wishful thinking because the first thing that happened the minute I walked in the doors was I was shoved into a locker again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you coming." Azimio Adams laughed. I bit my lip deeply and went to pick up my books, but they were kicked away.

Well, this couldn't be any more humiliating. I wish I could tell those jerks to leave me alone, but that's never going to happen, even if I did have a voice.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice; I looked up and saw a boy with chestnut hair; he looked about my age. I nodded at him in reply.

"Here." He handed me my books, and I smiled and nodded as a thank you.

"Not much of a talker?" He asked; I gestured to my throat, and he immediately seemed to understand.

"Oh. You haven't gotten your voice yet." He said, I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

"Well, it's okay. I'm sure several people don't have their voices. Hang in there." He smiled and walked away. I stood up and put my books in my locker.

It seemed time passed by too quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunchtime.

I sat at a table by myself where I could eat in peace.

"Hey!" A group of football players approached my table, and I awkwardly waved at them.

"We're all going out after school. Do you want to come along?"

I was about to nod yes when they began laughing like hyenas; I should have known it was a joke.

"Sorry, dude, you've got to speak up; we can't understand you." Azimio laughed, and I moved to grab my notebook.

"No notebook either!" One said, and they snatched my notebook from my hands and threw it in the trash.

"You want it; go get it!" Karofsky cackled; I was so humiliated.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" It was the same boy from the hall.

"This is none of your business Hummel; get lost!" Azimio roared.

Hummel? As in, Kurt Hummel from my English class?

"It is now. Leave him alone!"

"Hey!" A loud booming voice echoed through the cafeteria; it was the football coach, Coach Beiste.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, Coach," Karofsky said before walking away.

I turned to my tray, trying to ignore everyone's eyes on me; the boy from before came and sat down across from me.

"Hey? Are you okay?" He asked; I nodded my head, though that was a lie.

"No offense, but you are a really bad liar." He chuckled, and I smiled a little.

"My name is Kurt" He smiled and then handed me a notebook. "What's yours?"

I smiled and took the notebook and wrote in it.


"That's a nice name." Kurt smiled. I wrote in the notebook again.

Thank you.

"No problem. What class do you have next?"

French. But I don't see the point. I can't speak.

"That's okay, you can still write," Kurt said; I grabbed my notebook and wrote again.

Oui. =)

"See?" Kurt smiled, and I smiled back.

"I have French next, too. Why don't we walk together?" He asked; I nodded.


I closed the notebook and slid it back to him, but he pushed it toward me.

"Keep it. It was just sitting in my bag." I gave him a look to ask if he was sure, and he nodded; I smiled to thank him.

The school was officially over, and I was waiting for my mom to pick me up.

"Hey, Blaine!" I heard Kurt call as he came running up to me.

"My friends and I are all going to Breadstix. Do you want to come with us?"

I pulled my notebook out and was going to write down an answer when my mom's car pulled in.

"Oh, is that your parents?"

I nodded quickly and placed a piece of paper in Kurt's hand before running to my mom.

"Who were you talking to?"

I quickly shook my head; I didn't know how else to react.

"Never mind, get in! We'll talk about this at home!" 

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