Pro heroes💥💗

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T4T Uraraka and Bakugou meet their old class. Their daughter's name is Hotaru and she's around 6 months old. Their son's name is Shouta and he's around 5. Bakugou's a seahorse dad. I might do different versions of this.


Bakugou smirked as he let off another explosion. The pro hero was fighting some wannabe villain named Clock with Uraraka and Kirishima. "KATSUKI!" Bakugou looked at his wife, she was floating towards a civilian who was injured. He let off another explosion and flew towards her. Then he noticed what she was focusing on. A woman stuck under the rumble with a child lying next to her. Uraraka grabbed a harness and attached it to the kid. "You ok?" The kid nodded to her and looked at his mom. Uraraka attached the kid to her belt. Kirishima distracted the villain long enough for Bakugou and Uraraka to get the two citizens to safety. Then Kirishima screamed but by the time Bakugou looked at him, it was too late. The couple had been hit by the villain's quirk and then they disappeared. Kirishima called for backup and swore under his breath. 

Uraraka rubbed her head while looking around. They were in some sort of forest. She thought back to her knowledge of his quirk. The ability to transport a person into the past, they'd be teleported back to their original time after around a week or sooner if their agency managed to find a way to them. The woman sighed and looked at her husband. "Come on." Bakugou held his hand out to help her up. "Do you know where we are?" "Not a fucking clue." Bakugou paused and looked his wife over for any injuries. She traced her hand over the scar on his face and smiled. "Thank god you're ok." Uraraka beamed at the whisper and kissed his cheek. "Let's go find out where we are." Bakugou nodded and turned on his watch. When the villain emerged most heroes had been given a watch that could track their location and the date they were taken to. Uraraka hadn't been given one, as she was never supposed to be fighting that villain because she was a rescue hero. She frowned thinking of her daughter, Hotaru, and her son, Shouta. "Our first year of UA. The day after Mineta was expelled." Bakugou showed her the watch. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you and your new outfit, I can't believe you designed that yours-" "Katsuki Bakugou, we are going to UA." Bakugou sighed as he pulled up navigation to UA. Uraraka floated the two towards UA. 

"Now what?" "We break in." Bakugou looked at her with the proudest and most confused face in existence. "What? It's the easiest way to get all the heroes in the school to help us and we don't have to deal with the class until we know what we're doing." "I'm pretty sure we can't do that." Bakugou kissed her hand before looking around the building. "There's a camera over there. Float up to it and I don't know wave or something." "Do you think Hotaru and Shouta are ok?" Bakugou softened and looked into her eyes. "My dad's got them and I'm pretty sure that he can look after them for a while. They'll be fine." Uraraka nodded and took a deep breath. 

Aizawa was marking papers when the alarm went off. He looked at the security cameras to find Uraraka. No, this woman was an adult with scars. Was she waving at the cameras? She was floating. He ran out to see the other heroes already making their way outside. "Do you think it's Toga?" So everyone had already seen the cameras. "It can't be, Uraraka doesn't look like that but that girl is signing help." Aizawa listened to Present Mic's and Midnight's conversation. "Maybe they're related." "Oh thank god." The three heroes looked at the woman. "Get to the ground," Aizawa commanded, to his shock she immediately turned off her quirk. "Look we need help, we-" "We?" Present Mic interrupted her. "My husband, he couldn't get to the camera." Aizawa looked around the area and noticed a man, who looked exactly like Bakugou but with even more scars and longer hair but was less buff. "Finally!" Then Aizawa looked at their outfits, they looked like heroes and had been in a fight of some sort. "How did we not notice him?" Midnight whispered. The man walked up to his wife and checked the watch. "No messages. We'll definitely be here for a while." The woman nodded. "Can you reach Masaru?" He frowned and shook his head.  The heroes guided the two copycats to the interrogation room. All of the students were on lockdown. The woman murmured something about Masaru again. The man shook his head and whispered something back. Hizashi and Aizawa looked at each other before focusing on the two strangers. Midnight had left to check on the students stuck in their dorms with Almight. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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