18. She accepted it now

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"He had heard from that common friend of ours that I have two daughters about the same age of his sons. And that they are adorable and intelligent. Overall extraordinary. Which I am always proud of." Even while narrating this past, he had a proud father's smile on his lips on the mention of his daughters capabilities.

Which didn't go unnoticed by Isha. And bought a small smile on her own lips.

She was quitly listening to all that her father had to tell. After so much drama in her life, she's now used to plot twists. So she wasn't much reacting. Just listening.

"He told me that his mother, Mrs. Narayani Goyal had arranged teenage marriage for his boys, which he wanted to end at any cost. She was a lady with old conventional ideologies. And she was really hot tempered."

"So, in order to let me have this deal sealed, he asked me yours and Adaa's hand for marriage with his sons. One is of same age as yours and other two years older than Adaa."

"In greed of opportunity that time, I couldn't refuse him. And I also knew the fact that they were super good for you and Adaa. I mean I knew they would be. You both wouldn't had to face problems in your life. So I agreed." His father was now ashamed of his act and deeds back them.

Isha still hasn't replied. She's just attentively listening to whatever he's telling her.

Truth or not, at this point she didn't really know. But when her papa looked at her again with so much guilt and tears in his eyes, she realised he isn't lying this time. Whatever he told her was the truth. And her heart pained at this.

"After that, the deal was a huge success, which got us many other great opportunities and offers in the future. And hence, outs became one of the biggest sweet shop in the city, with branches all round the state."

"It's all because of him, Vasant Goyal. And I didn't wanted to lie to you both about him being a villian in the story and all, but it was him who had this idea. He, didn't wanted my daughters to hate me. Because apparently, he knew the feeling of being hated by the kids. At least that's what he told me." Shiv cleared all the unasked questions for Isha.

"You both are in contact?" Isha asked clearly surprised, not expecting this at all.

"Close friends." Shiv replied with a small smile.

That were the last words exchanged between them on that night. After which, everything changed.


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