12. Youre driving me crazy.

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Saturday came much faster than Hongjoong was happy to admit. It was 2 pm and he was sitting on the terrace with his family, his mother complaining about the traffic jam at Seoul highway she came upon even though she left home early in the morning. Hongjoong was holding Kyungmin on his laps, arms wrapped around the boy's stomach and chin resting on his head. He was staring blankly at the floor not really listening to the conversation that was going on beside him.

"So, at what time should we leave for the gathering?" His mother asked, finally finishing her oh-so-heartbreaking story.

"It starts at 4." Hongjoong's uncle smiled at her.

"I haven't seen them in so long." The woman sighed and her eyes travelled to Hongjoong. "Did you get to meet the Chois? And others? Or were you crumpled up in your room this whole month?" She raised an eyebrow and the teenager scrunched his nose.

"Wooyoungie introduced him to his friends." His aunt giggled before he could say anything. "He's been actually going out quite a lot. You befriended Mingi, right?" She titled her head at him and he nodded.

"The Songs' son." The man explained to his mother, and she straightened her back surprised.

"So you're actually having fun here?"

"I do." He shrugged and she looked him up and down, Hongjoong immediately feeling judged under her gaze.

"Will Miss Park and Seonghwa be there?" The woman changed the topic once again, turning to her sister with curiosity. The teenager fought the urge to roll his eyes at her meddling nature.

"I suppose. Everyone on the street is invited." Wooyoung's mum stood up. "I'm gonna go in and finish the salad and make a pie. Do you want to help me and talk more inside?" Her sister nodded and they went into the house.

"Wooyoung, bring your analog camera with you, we'll take some photos." The man also got up and left the terrace. Hongjoong pressed his cheek to Kyungmin's head and sighed, gaining Wooyoung's attention.

"She's only been there for like an hour, can you not look like a beaten puppy?" The younger sent him a broken smile and passed a plastic car to his brother. The child quickly started playing with it, pretending that the table was a racing track.

"Have you seen her judgy face and attitude?" Hongjoong huffed, pouting.

"I think you're being dramatic." Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Come on, I have to find the new film for the camera somewhere in my room."

"And you need me for..?"

"What else do you have to do?" The brunette raised an eyebrow at him.

"My hand's a jumping ramp, I can't really do anything about it." He giggled motioning to Kyungmin using his limbs as obstacles on the table. Wooyoung clicked his tongue and Hongjoong finally helped the boy off his legs and stood up.

They walked past the kitchen, Hongjoong involuntarily glancing inside to see the women laughing. His mum was cutting the tomatoes and the teenager automatically gulped, averting his gaze and climbing the stairs after Wooyoung.

"By the way, Seonghwa will be there." His cousin said and started looking through his drawers as Hongjoong sat on his bed.

"I didn't ask."

"Your eyes did, back on the terrace." Wooyoung winked and the older frowned.

"No? I don't want to go there myself, why should I care if Seonghwa does." He raised an eyebrow, leaning back on his hands. "Actually, y'all have been acting so weird for the past 2 days." He muttered, bringing the friend group's actions up.

Teenage Dirtbag (My cruel summer) | SeongjoongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang