3. Have you ever been touched?

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Hongjoong didn't expect Wooyoung to barge into his room the next day in the late afternoon just to sit on his bed with a big smile and a popsicle in his hand.

"So, do you have someone back in Seoul?" His tone made it clear that he just wanted something to gossip about.

"Nope. Still just working on the music thing."

"And your mum's fine with that? She always hated it." The younger laughed and Hongjoong also giggled shaking his head.

"She's got to deal with it. Hey, can I ask you something?" The brunette nodded licking his colourful popsicle eagerly. "You have tattoos. And the whole... Um... Sex having?" Wooyoung giggled. "When did all of this happen?"

"It's all natural. I've been friends with the guys since forever because we're all from the same neighbourhood, you know. And Sannie and I started going out a little bit over a year ago but we had a thing going on ever earlier." The boy shrugged crossing his legs on the bed. Hongjoong listened carefully trying to process each of his words. "I only have the matching tattoo with him so it's not a big deal. My parents were mad in the beginning but quickly brushed it offside because it's not that visible and I guess it's the perks of being the middle child. You saw Seonghwa, right? He's the real thing."

"Your relationship with him... You're really enjoying it?"

"Oh please, of course. He's so good in bed, super big." Hongjoong grimaced at his directness. "And he's not problematic. I tried this kind of thing with other guys but they all fail to keep it just in bed. Seonghwa doesn't do relationships so it's safe, and he also lives across the street so I suppose that's another plus." He finished his ice cream and licked the wooden stick one last time before continuing. "And Sannie's into this sort of thing. He wouldn't want me to get with anyone else but Seonghwa is really good. Threesomes with him are heavenly." Wooyoung winked at his cousin and Hongjoong dropped his gaze feeling embarrassed and a weird knot formed in the back of his throat.


There was a moment of silence and Hongjoong couldn't decide how he felt about it. On one hand, Wooyoung seemed happy with this, even more pleased than anything else. But on the other hand, was it really okay? Morally, he'd say no, especially after Wooyoung made sure Hongjoong promised not to tell his parents about any of this, and actually become his partner in crime and lie to them about whereabouts if needed.

But after taking another minute to let his mind wander off, as long as it's not touching him personally, does it even matter? Hongjoong strongly believed everyone was their own person and he wouldn't want anyone to go around telling him what to do; what is right or wrong.

"What are you wearing today?" Wooyoung got him out of his head and Hongjoong raised his eyebrows at him. "The party?"

"What party?"

"At Seonghwa's. I've already told mum we'd be sleeping at Yeosang's so we're cool." The younger shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Was it some sort of obligation for them to attend a party every day?

He quickly was reminded that for Hongjoong, in fact, it was. Otherwise, Seonghwa would change the Wi-Fi password again and he did not want that to happen.

"You know you really should start telling me about your plans that you're dragging me to beforehand." The older rolled his eyes but walked over to the wardrobe he'd filled with clothes just today, after finally unpacking.

"You should put on some makeup, I saw your eyeliner in the bathroom and oh my god, wouldn't you look just adorable with it!" The boy beamed and the older nodded after thinking for a few seconds. "Don't you have something sexy to wear? Crop tops, whatever?" Wooyoung spoke animatedly with a click of his tongue.

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