Kinn sometimes wished Porsche would wake up while his children were right near, as he is pretty much sure Porsche would love to see their children when he open his eyes.

All the Theerpanyakul family took turns staying near Porsche while Kinn would not given a chance to stay in the daytime. Chay and Pete would stay nearby Porsche while Kim and Vegas chase after the fugitives.

Pete was unable to stay with Porsche all the time with his baby but  Chay wanted to stay close to Porsche 24 x 7, Thankhun always make sure to drag Chay out of Porsche's room to make some time for Kinn.

"You can't hold my nephews..You don't have any right - " Chay was yelling as usual questioning Kinn's right to hold and carry the children.

Most of the time children were cared for by Kinn and only when the feeding time and their napping time did Mai and Pond look after them. Chay and Pete were given time to cuddle with them but they were forced to give them back to Kinn when he comes back.

Actually, guards have to use to separate Chay and Pete from the heirs and surprisingly Children were too calm and prefer their father's warmth to anyone else. Kinn was so proud in that matter and he always took them to see their Mommy.

"Ungrateful brats " that's what Pond said when he saw the children prefer their father more than them now and he cat deny he was jealous about the current situation.

So, as usual, again Chay started to yell at Kinn but Kinn had enough of his brother in laws tantrum. Kinn was too patient with Chay and stayed quiet 

"Look, first of all, shut the fuck up." He glared at Chay who was going to speak up again. "Second of all, I feel bad, okay! I feel terrible! I threw him out into the hands of monsters who were waiting for the chance! No one knows how I feel now! He must be hating me! And it's my fault...I know it..but I can't let him go" Kinn lowered his voice and walked away with his children.

Thankhun stayed quiet as this has become a daily occurrence and the guards and everyone is used to this outburst between these brothers-in-law.

The Theerapanyakul family is on a mission and they were after the goons who destroy their family..who destroy their happiness..who dares to lay hands on the heirs and plot against them. So the hunt begins.

Kinn overlook the hunt for the fugitive and his ruthless nature and wrath was enough for people to betray their own and gave in the information related to the fugitives. All Underground knew that Kinn is hunting for the People who is related to his husband's misery. 

It wasn't a secret what the Mafia King did to his husband and everyone knew the harsh punishment his husband received but now everyone knew the husband was the victim and now the Mafia King is on a mission to find the traitors and the people who laid hands on the Mafia King's husband.

In past days the lowlifes would brag about how they used the Mafia King's wh*re and they were nowhere to find now.

Each person who went to the Prostitute ring and each person who bragged about touching and hurting Mafia King's Husband went into hiding and some people went as far as killing themself. Those cowards who killed themself didn't even beg for mercy as they knew the word "Mercy " is not existing in Mafia King's vocabulary.

Unwillingly those bastards let go of their own life in fear of Theerapanyakul Heir's wrath. They believed killing themself is better than getting killed by the enraged Mafia King. As they knew their death is going to be a slow painful death.

Those who went into hiding were picked by the Theerapanyakul guards one by one and they were dragged out while they struggled to escape from their fate. They were screaming crying and begging for mercy. Those stoic faces of the guards didn't even show a glimpse of mercy and the captivities were dragged on the floor to their ugly fate. The onlookers saw the guards as death dealers and they knew the captivity's death is not going to be a good one.

Some people were caught when they tried to seek death but the guards were clever enough to catch the fugitive before they kill themself. The captivities begged to kill them right the moment they got caught as they believe getting killed by a bullet is a hundred times better than facing Theerapanyakul's heir's wrath.

But the guards were deaf to the fugitive's prayers and they were too loyal to the Theerpanyakul family.

While the guards hunt the people who dare to touch the wife of the Mafia King Vegas and Kim were hunting the masterminds who draw the trap and framed the innocent soul the sunshine of the Theerpanyakul family.

"Capture them all! Don't let a single one of them escape!" Vegas barked to his men.
Chaos reigned in the club. The Club used to gamble and connect with international mafia gang members who shouted at each other in their native language. Some of which Kim was able to pick up whereas all Vegas heard was gibberish.

"Don't Kill them!"

"We want them alive!"

Vegas's accuracy was astounding. Not once did he miss a shot. He didn't shoot to Kill, He shot on Knees so the guards can restain the captives.  While Kim fended off enemies, Vegas pushed onto the top floor with his men, which was the VIP private chambers. They were most likely to be there. HE was likely to be there. Vegas's heart raced..His heart pounds but not for the excitement..he is excited but more than that he is thirsty..He is thirsty for blood..He was up there! He had to be! 

Vegas ran as fast as he can to catch the mastermind who is the reason behind their misery...

It's been a whole week since Vegas and Kim left the hospital to hunt and Kinn stay with his children while he overlook and used his connection to gather information. 

Some bastards would run away from Thailand to escape the Mafia King's wrath, asking for refuge with their ally gangs but Kinn would give one call to the gangs and they would turn their back on their own and hand over the man who dares to touch Mafia King's husband to the Theerpanyakul guards Alive not dead..Each of them was handed alive as they promised to the Underworld King.

Kinn received the call from Vegas...It was t call he waited for the whole week. And the conversation was short and they hung up. Kinn looks at the sky through the tall window. Finally, the hunt has come to an end.

"Finally I got you.. " Kinn smirked.

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