Oregon State University

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Ten years ago
Jane Morgan's POV
It was my dream to attend Harvard or Yale University after high school but my mom suggested I go to Oregon State University because she believed although it was not as popular as Yale or Harvard or Melbourn or those other big universities it was the best. I lived with my mom and brother. My dad had left us three years ago after he met this rich and responsible woman as he called her and went to settle with her in another state. 12th July 2014 was the last time I saw my dad. He promised to keep in touch with us his kids but it was all a lie. My mom worked as a nurse in a hospital not so far from our town. My brother was just in high school and I had completed high school myself. On the 13th of September morning, I checked the mail and there was an envelope for me and guess what Oregon had admitted me. I was not so happy but my mom tried her best to let me see the good side of going to Oregon. I could tell she was striving hard to make ends meet and take my brother and me to school as we were not so rich. So I made up my mind to make her proud. We lived in Hayesville a small town not far from Oregon which was located at 1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene. My mom and I packed my stuffs and by the weekend we were off to my school. We went with my brother because although we fought a lot I knew we were going to miss each other so dearly. The trip was not so far which I was grateful for. When we got to the school the structure felt okay. I applied to study Human Resource Management. I was given a dorm in block C with three different girls with whom I became so close for as long as I can remember. My mom and brother helped me unpack my things and after a few hours, they said their goodbyes. I look around my room and I loved it. It was bigger than my room at home. There was a bed opposite to mine and I knew I would be having company soon.
By the time I was done packing, I heard two other girls arrive. They took the other room in our dorm. By around seven in the evening, my roommate came. She was so beautiful. I real definition of Jolene. Her beauty was beyond compare with flaming locks of auburn hair with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. When she entered I was reading a book by Clara Clarkson and when I looked up she smiled at me. Her smile was like the breath of spring. Her skin was so clean and soft like summer rain. And I didn't know if she was going to like to befriend me. Not that I had a problem if I didn't talk to anybody for years. I was an introvert who barely spoke and didn't see the need for friends in the first place. She left the room and I guess she went to say bye to her mother and dad. Through the window, I saw their car leave. It turned out that she was a daughter of a wealthy business tycoon and a model and she was a vlogger and influencer. I put my attention to my storybook, when she returned she said hi and introduced herself as Courtney White and she was from New York. It had always been my dream to visit New York and stay there because I heard wonderful things about that place. I told her I was Jane Morgan and we settled it there will she packed and I offered to help and she agreed. By the time we were done, it was late and we went to bed.

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