mo 🙀⁉️

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This is a remake

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This is a remake

(2020) (vers)?? YES
BECAUSE IN 2020- actually no it is like mid 2020 - 2021 because my OC was just a pic of Hat kid (FROM THE GAME) with the fycking smug face like you would see in Aimkid's animations

The little critters in their hair and has a brain of
You want the original?


I don't have it.


I don't 💀

Idk what to tell you honestly..

Unless you find my very old account 💀

But here's my old redesign

But here's my old redesign

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As promised the chapter 1 cover

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As promised the chapter 1 cover

And other shit

And other shit

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None of these characters are mines

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None of these characters are mines

  except for my main OC and it's 2020 vers and probably the opposite/swapped colors of Craposition

  except for my main OC and it's 2020 vers and probably the opposite/swapped colors of Craposition

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Also here's this guy
Cyanico is the detective.

Despite looking like an angsty teen he's super cool, no pun intended.

I'm /srs

I have huge ass art improvement.

Wow 🙀

★The Random art book★ (now w/ AND without lines!!)🙀🙀 Only $99999.99! In Cash‼️Where stories live. Discover now