Sundew Nectar

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Aina drove for nearly seven hours straight. She only ever stopped to nab some blood bags for Finn from the closest hospital that she could find when he started getting hungry again. She also stopped to grab what she called a fast-food from a brightly colored building that she called a drive-thru restaurant for herself. Finn spent most of the drive, asking her questions about anything that caught his eye and Aina did her best to answer to the best of her ability without ever losing her patience with him. By the time they reached her sister's cabin, it was past midnight.

"Alright, we've got to be quiet," Aina whispered to him, putting her car in park in front of the wooden cabin and turning off her headlights, "My niece will be asleep by now. Hana will kill me if we wake her." Finn nodded in understanding and followed her lead. He got out of the car at the same time that she did. He nodded at her sister and her sister's husband who had opened their front door not long after they had arrived.

Her sister, Hana rushed over to greet them. The woman had her long brown hair pulled back in a high, messy ponytail and she was dressed in a long, fluffy robe with black boots on her feet. She embraced her sister. Hana's husband trailed behind her dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt and plaid pants and he nodded at Finn with a polite smile on his thinly bearded face. Finn's brows furrowed when he saw the man's irises flash gold for a second.

"Werewolf...?" Finn muttered in disbelief, his eyebrows rising.

"It's Riley actually," the brunet man replied, an amused glint in his now blue eyes, "What's your name, vampire?"

"Finn," Finn replied, stiffly. Riley offered his hand and he said, "Nice to meet you, Finn." Finn eyed his offered hand for a moment before he begrudgingly shook his hand. Finn wasn't that fond of werewolves, his opinion of them soured after losing his youngest brother to them. But he could be civil for Aina's sake. He didn't want a cause any trouble for her after all her kindness.

"Come on inside," Hana insisted, releasing Aina to wave him towards her front door. Riley nodded in agreement with his wife, so Finn stepped over the threshold into the cabin and was ushered to the guest room alongside Aina which contained two twin beds. Before leaving them to rest for the night, Hana lightly touched Finn's arm and said, "I'm sorry for not greeting you properly but we'll talk in the morning, yeah?"

"Of course," Finn agreed, nodding at her. She smiled and wished him and her sister a goodnight before she and her husband left them to get settled.

"Do you have a preference?" Aina asked, gesturing to the beds. Finn shook his head for he had no plans to sleep. After years and years of being locked away in his own head, the thought of closing his eyes and waking up back in that coffin was too much to bear. In fact, he was sure it would shatter any remaining sanity that he had left if he discovered that his escape was nothing but a product of his own damaged mind. So, he would not sleep. Instead, he planned to stay by the window and stare out at nature until morning.

Aina chose the bed closest to the door and after retreating to the adjourning bathroom to change into her pajamas, she wished him sweet dreams before settling down under the thick covers. Finn sat on the other bed and stared out the small window next to it. The forest was not unlike the one he grew up in, the familiarity was comforting. The future so far had been so jarring to see how everything had changed. It was nice to be somewhere that wasn't completely alien. He couldn't help but listen to the steady breaths of Aina as she slept. He kept his eyes on the trees and he caught sight of a squirrel holding an acorn in its mouth before it vanished into a hollow point of the tree. Finn assumed it must be storing away food for itself and its family. His hands which were resting on his thighs, curled up into fists.

He thought of his own family. He remembered that Kol and Rebekah had been daggered and stored alongside him a while ago. He didn't think that either of them had ever been un-daggered. But they could have been freed when Finn was lost. Rebekah was always loyal to Klaus. Kol was a wildcard who thrived on chaos. Neither ever tried to help him. While Elijah was never daggered that often. The chances of him being out in the world were much higher. He helped Klaus dagger their younger siblings if they stepped out of line. As for Klaus, he was the worst of them all. He believed that he had the right to control them all. Thousands had suffered in his family's wake. Finn could never forget hearing their victims' screams.

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