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"Jungkook, stop trying to dictate my life, I'll do what I want, go inside and leave me alone". Jungkook looked at y/n in disbelief. "Are u fucking serious, y/n this is the third time this week I'm catching u smoking that disgusting thing, it's not good for u just stop".

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Jungkook I'm already stressed as is the last thing I need is u being a nuisance, go inside for fucks sake and stop trying to control me". Jungkook hushed at her words. This had been the third time for this week he'd caught her once again picking up on a long time habit she'd had...smoking.

He had thought he'd gotten her to fully stop long ago but this week had proven him very wrong. All through the week they argued at different times as the issue would constantly arise but all this time she'd never gotten to the point where she'd call him something such as a nuisance. "....that's what u see it to be? Me being a nuisance"?

"Yes, all week I've been stressed with my father an all his nonsense about the company and now you're here adding to it when I come home hoping to get a break from all the crap". Jungkook looked at the floor for a second as he processed her words before bitterly heaving a dry laugh.

"I know you're stressed, but this has been a long time habit it can kill u...I'm simply being a good husband and trying to get u to stop doing damage to yourself and u see it as me pestering u"? He laughed again before looking at her hooded eyes. "Okay, fine, I'm sorry I'll leave u alone now, goodnight".

He quickly left loudly shutting her office door making her close her eyes as she started developing a striking headache. Looking at the still burning cigar between her fingers she threw it into her ashtray, no longer wanting it.

Looking out at the dark nights that was covered in rain clouds she sighed heavily raking her hair between her fingers. "What have I done"? She gripped her short hair tightly in her fists groaning. "I'm a fucking idiot now he's even more upset". Taking the pack of cigars from her desks drawer she threw the pack into the garbage and sat down on the couch in her office.

"I'll give him some time". It was only 11:30 she decided she go to him at 12. Leaning her head back she closed her eyes before she knew it the clock chimed indicated the start of a new hour. The time flew by, opening her exhausted eyes she got up and walked in long slow strides towards his and hers shared bedroom.

She shook her head with a little smile seeing him seemingly asleep without even covering himself as his back faced her side. Walking to him she covered him and then went to take a shower and do her night routine, she ensured the tobacco scent completely left her.

As she came back out she stopped when she saw there was now an extra pillow behind his back serving as a  barrier between them. She pressed her lips into a line accepting her faith as she knew she was wrong. Going to her side she layed down and looked at his back, looking a the pillow between them she moved it then layed down.

She looked like a lost puppy staring at the wall as she couldn't sleep without him in her arms. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore, getting closer to him she snaked her arms around him immediately finding comfort in his warmth but winced when he took no time to shove her arms away.

"Get away". He said half asleep making her nibble her bottom lip thinking of her next move.  Then she thought of something making her smirk to herself. Quickly she reach around and wrapped jungkook in her arms with the blanket around him so he was unable to move as she held him close to her face to face.

He opened his eyes clearly annoyed. "What are u doing? Can't u see I'm trying to sleep"? "U can't sleep while I'm awake". She answered like a child. He rolled his eyes with a straight face and looked away from her. She pouted knowing he was extremely mad at her and hurt and she knew she deserved the cold shoulder he gave to her.

"I'm sorry". She spoke softly snuggling into his neck her arms circling around him even more they're bodies clashed only separated by the blanket. He didn't answer her. "I didn't mean to say that to you...I don't know what I was thinking if I was eveb thinking at all but I didn't mean it I swear".

"Are u done"? He asked coldly as he looked at her. She lifted her head and looked at him with her glassy eyes. "Forgive me please...t-this one time"? Jungkook finally started struggling again forcing her to let go as he sat up. "Why should I"? He asked in a very hushed, cold voice. She also sat up but remained quiet not being able to formulate an answer.

"I'm always being good and understanding towards u I never questioned a thing u even want to do and have done nor objected but the one time I'm trying to look out for u because that crap can kill u I'm a nuisance"?

Y/N's eyes teared up remembering her own words, she felt like a fool in which she was for saying such things to the love of her life. "When did u even start smoking again? Because I've only gotten to see this week but I'm sure it's been for longer". She said nothing just hung her head. "Answer me dammit"!

"A m-month". She answered barely above a whisper but the quiet night allowed him to hear her anyway. He chuckled in disbelief and stood up from bed about to walk away but she was quick enough to stop him before he could leave the room. She backhugged him tightly as her tears fell.

"Fucking let go". He tried to get away but couldn't she wouldn't let him. "No please, please don't go, I can't even function properly without u near me". "Clearly you've found an alternative than to look to me, let go". She shook her head and hide her face in his neck. "Please don't...." there was a thick silence only her sobs could be heard.

"I don't deserve this y/n, I did nothing wrong to deserve such a title from u stress or not. Don't expect me to come near u anytime soon". Turning him around she sat him on she edge of the bed she kneeled before him resting her head on his knees she clasped her heads infront of herself. "I can't justify myself I can't say I wasn't wrong in any way I don't deserve easy forgiveness but please don't leave me alone I won't be able to do anything".

Tho his face showed no emotion Jungkook was also suffering within. He hated her state, typically y/n was a strong person rarely she would cry and if ever it was nothing compared to her cries now she even kneeled to him. Jungkook wanted to forgive her but his self respect said otherwise, he couldn't watch her suffer tho.

Sighing he lifted her chin and wiped her tears. "Stop crying". She quickly wiped her remaining tears trying to stop them from flowing. "Lay down". She did as he said watching as he also layed down beside her propping himself on his elbow he brought her head to his chest. He could still feel warm tears slowly seeping onto his shirt.

"I'm not going anywhere, calm down and go to sleep". Y/N looked at him with her glassy eyes. "Am I forgiven"? "No, I won't give u too much of a cold shoulder I'll stay with u but u still have to earn my forgiveness, being mad at u doesn't mean I'll stop playing my part as your husband".

Y/N cuddled into him stuffing her face into his chest. "I'll do everything it takes for u to forgive me...i promise, I won't ever do this again I'll cut out the smoking for good and always talk to u if I'm stressed, I'm sorry". "Hm...good". She looked up at him again which a pout making him frown. "What"? With a mischievous smile she peaked his lips and took back her previous position after whispering "i love u".

Feeling her breathing slow indicating she was fast asleep jungkook smiled to himself. "You're unbelievable...I love u too, I haven't forgiven u but I know you'll do your best to earn it".

Guess who's back people :)
Anyone missed this book?

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