Jonathan Romanoff/Superman

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Name: Jonathan "Jon" Romanoff

Kryptonian Name: Kal-El

Hero Name: Superman

Age: 21

Nicknames: Baby (by Natasha), Kid, Supey, Nerd, Man of Steel, Muscles, Sugar, Babe, Man of Tomorrow, Kal.

Occupation: College Student, Superhero, Intern at Stark Industries

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Physique: Muscular (due to adapting to the yellow sun's radiation).

Looks: (With Suit)

Personality: Calm, Laid-back, Kind, Helpful, Selfless, Serious (towards his enemies), Always Positive, Merciful, Protective

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Personality: Calm, Laid-back, Kind, Helpful, Selfless, Serious (towards his enemies), Always Positive, Merciful, Protective.

Likes: The Avengers, The new team, Food, Saving people, Studying, Flying, Making new tech, His Family and friends.

Dislikes: Villains, Family and friends getting hurt, Kryptonite, Wannabe Heroes, Fame and Fortune, Killing.

Powers and Abilities:

Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a yellow sun, Superman possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian. These include:

- Solar Energy Absorption: Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Superman's super powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system.

- Superhuman Strength: Superman's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation interacting with the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of his musculature. His strength is more an act of conscious will on energy fields than actual physical strength. It is this act of conscious will that enables him to perform physical feats that are beyond the mere application force, such as moving a mountain top without said rock crumbling under its own mass. Superman is strong enough to create powerful sonic booms with just the clap of his hands and shake the very Earth with force of his punches. He always held back whenever he fights enemies weaker than him. He is considered as the most powerful creature on Earth. Some say he could fight Hulk and Thor at the same time.

- Superhuman Speed: Superman is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to his perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time.

- Superhuman Agility: Superman's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily make sharp turns and easily maneuver while flying and moving at superhuman speed.

- Superhuman Reflexes: Superman possesses reflexes far greater than any normal human being. This allows him to easily react to danger and events, and perceive the world in slow motion. His mind is able to process information at such speeds that he can perceive femtoseconds and attoseconds.

- Superhuman Stamina: Superman is able to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an indefinite period of time. This based on his body converting yellow solar radiation directly to energy, but is limited by physiological and psychological needs to eat, drink and sleep.

- Superhuman Senses: All of Superman's senses are enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing him to perceive the world in far greater detail than the average human.

- Flight: Superman is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This ranges from hovering to moving in any posture, in any direction. He is capable of flying at above supersonic and hypersonic speeds.

- Heat Vision: Superman can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. He can vary the heat and area affected.

- Interstellar Travel: Superman is immune to the nature of space and is not inhibited by its lack of gravity. He can travel the reaches of space where no human body could possibly survive without the aid of technology or protection.

- Invulnerability: Due to the interaction of his dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Superman is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces. In addition, his extends this protection against toxins and diseases

- Longevity: Superman can live longer than regular humans, remaining at his prime as long as he was under the exposure of the "yellow" sun.

- Super-Breath: Superman is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from his lungs. He can chill the air as it leaves his lungs to freeze targets. He can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into his lungs

- Self-Sustenance: Superman doesn't need to eat or sleep so long as he has enough solar energy (but is still capable of doing so) and doesn't require oxygen to breathe.

- Genius Level Intellect: Superman has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. Superman's analytical powers enable him to read information directly from machines. He is complimented by the one and only Tony Stark because of his intelligence as this got him the spot to be an intern at Stark Industries.

- Advanced Hand-to-hand Combat: Due to having superpowers all his life and constantly engaging in battle with various foes, Superman has over time become an excellent hand-to-hand fighter utilizing a fighting style that directly complements his superpowers. Superman's combat versatility allows him to adapt to almost any foe and beat them. Also with the help of his mother, he is one of the deadliest combatants even without the use of his powers.

- Indomitable Will: Superman has shown to have a powerful spirit, free of corruption and temptation. Growing up in S.H.I.E.L.D, he was taught to protect life and help others. He is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad. Superman has learned how to place mental inhibitors on his own power so that he doesn't accidentally "flex and cause the tectonic plates to shift." To him, they are the barriers that allow him to feel human enough to live a healthy life, and he only ever releases one of them when fighting a particularly powerful opponent or performing a difficult task.

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