12. Whisky Numbs Pain

Start from the beginning

"It's not what you think," I said as I slowly opened the door with my lip between my teeth.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, puzzled. "Who is that?" she asked, peering over my shoulder. "You're no longer a virgin?" 

"Come inside, I'll explain everything," I stepped to the side and let her in, closing the door behind her as quietly as I could.

"He's one hot guy to lose your virginity to," she continued, admiring his physique.

"Listen," I took a deep breath in, "he showed up at my house and happens to be drunk." I dragged her to the kitchen to explain. "Why would he show up at my house in this state, out of all the people in the world?" 

"It's simple; he likes you," she said as she placed the paper bag on the kitchen island.

"We're talking about my boss here, Soph."

Sophia raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Your boss? Wow, talk about mixing business with pleasure."

"Shh," I tried to keep her quiet, "he has a fiancé, for crying out loud." "I was taken aback when I saw him." I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "It's not like that," I insisted, though even I wasn't entirely convinced of my own words. "He's just going through a rough patch, and I happened to be the one he ran to, I think."

Sophia crossed her arms, her gaze piercing through me as if trying to unravel the truth hidden beneath my words. "And you just happened to let him in and let him kiss you?" she challenged.

I winced at the memory of his lips against mine still fresh in my mind. "I didn't kiss him back," I defended myself weakly. "I tried to send him home, but he was too out of it to listen."

Sophia's expression softened, her skepticism giving way to understanding. "Okay, I get it," she said, her tone gentler now. "But you have to be careful, Elle. You don't want to get caught up in something you'll regret."

I nodded, grateful for her concern. "I know," I admitted, the weight of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. "I just don't know what to do. He's my boss, and now things are... complicated. You have no idea what that man is like."

"Well, I know he's a goddamn attractive man with a fiancée who came to your house in desperate need."

"Can't we talk about it?" He needs to leave the moment he wakes up. "I will not jeopardize his relationship with Athena."

"I appreciate that you value his relationship." "And he would most certainly not respect your body if you were wearing that," she said, observing my body.

"I live alone and wasn't expecting anyone, and for the most part, I am single, and it's my house." I rolled my eyes. "Not every man wears his dick on his forehead."

"Well, I brought you some fruits that I promised you," she says, clasping her hands. "I'm going to leave you to this drama, and I hope his wife doesn't kill you," she laughed.

"Fiancée. Don't make this any more difficult for me," I grumbled.

She kissed my forehead and said, "You'll figure it out," before leaving the kitchen and leaving me alone with Mr. Bezos. 

I showered and changed into some comfy pajamas. I tried everything I could to keep myself busy around the house, but he wouldn't budge. It was almost 10:00 p.m., and I had work the next day. Sober, my boss was in my house. As I walked out of the kitchen, I noticed him sitting up and rubbing his hands on either side of his face.

"How did I get here?" he asked, his eyes wide with a mild state of shock.

"First, you drove all the way from... "I'm not sure where," I sighed. "Then you showed up at my house drunk, and I tried to send you away on several occasions, but you were persistent." Then I realized your lips were on mine. "Like, what's wrong with you?"

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