Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner

Start from the beginning

"What the hell Min Ho?" I yelled angrily.

"Sorry, it's just that when you said you make out with guys, I find that super funny since you said that your the type of girl who studies a bunch." "And the type who cries when you probably get a 98%.

How does he know me that well?

"I don't really go since I study a bunch but once in like 6 months I have time." "There's nothing much to do other then making out drinking alcohol which I definitely don't do."

"Strict parents?"


Our food came and this is actually my first time trying this since I've never been to Korea. I started spinning my noodles with a fork and blowed at it since it was steaming.

"You can't even use chopsticks?" Min Ho asked.

"Nope, never used them in my life."

"Gosh it's like you know nothing about your culture."

"That's why I came here to learn genius." I said bitterly.

I took a bite and oh my gosh the flavour and the vegetables were so good.

"Good right?"

"This is so good!" "If I never came here, I would never know such yummy food existed!"

"You wouldn't know without me."

"Wow Min Ho, thanks so much for getting my to try noodles." I mockingly said.

"Of course you wouldn't know, you probably don't even know how to take a subway."

"I do too!"

"No you don't."

"Wanna bet?"

"Sure, how much we talking?"

"Hmm, 10 dollars."

"That's it?!"

"Not everyone is rich like you Min Ho."

"Fine fine fine."

"Guess we're taking a subway home."

"Guess so."

I finished my noodles and when we left, some girl came up to us and told us that we were such a cute couple.

"Yep, she's the cutest little girl ever." Min Ho said as he put his hand on my waist and gave me a hug.

"Really Min Ho?" I whispered in his ear.

"Cmon it's funny how they act."

"Ugh I really can't with you."

Min Ho went to the front desk to pay when I ran to him.

"I can pay myself!"

"My treat." "Plus I already swiped it.

Omg. I can't with him.

"Where's the subway station?" I asked.

"We gotta walk for 2 minutes."

I can do that. Why did Min Ho admit that we were a "couple" again? We really weren't and I can tell that he definitely doesn't like me that way. You know what, screw Min Ho, I'll just find another guy at some party.

"Here it is, show me how to do it "genius." He said sarcastically.

I'll show him. I did everything you needed to do like getting the tickets, finding the right subway and soon we were back at K.I.S.S.

"Alright, I guess you do know that."

"You don't have to pay me since you already payed for me meal."

"Nah,  a deal's a deal." He handed me 100$.

"We said 10!"

"Sorry, got no change."

"Crap, all I have is my credit card."

"So keep it."


"Great job Y/N!" He complimented.

I smiled.

"Thanks for the meal by the way." "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"No no no, it's far too late to walk by yourself." "I'll walk with you."


We walked together to my dorm. I knocked on my door since I forgot my key. Typical Y/N.

"Hey Y/N what took you so long?" "Min Ho?" "What are you doing here?" She asked curiously.

"Making sure this dummy doesn't get lost."


"Anyways good night, good bye saseang." He smirked at me before walking away."

"Omg are you guys together?" Mae asked.

"What?" "No." I stated.

"Do you even know what saseang means?"

"What does it mean?"

"Never mind." "If you ever fall for Min Ho though, just remember that he's a playboy." "He doesn't date." Mae explained.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I used to like him and we were "together" for a week when he just suddenly ghosted me." Mae told me.

"Gee I'm sorry."

"I got over it, I knew he was like that but for some reason I thought I was different to him."

After what Mae said, I decided on one rule I'll try to follow.

Never fall for Min Ho.

Short chapter today guys, sorry! Let me know what you think of this story so far and as always click that vote button! It's right there 😂

Xoxo~ FofoHenny <3

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