His eyes search yours deeply and he leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips. When he pulls back, his voice is deep and sultry, his eyes gaze into yours seductively, "Unless...you've been a bad girl. But I've got a feeling you enjoy that type of bad attention." He winks and sits back in his chair, continuing the conversation nonchalantly.

         "Would you like action to be taken against Miss Baker?" You think a moment, "No, it's alright. Though there's some part of me that feels like it's...my fault. Like there's something about me that draws out abusive behavior in people." His brow furrows as he leans in closer, his voice becoming more serious, "Y/n, this was absolutely not your fault. Nothing she's done, the lying, sneaking, stealing...no abuse you've ever suffered was your fault." He shakes his head looking deeply into your eyes, "You don't bring out abusive characteristics in others, you've just known a lot of terrible people. And while that is unfortunate, it is not your fault."

          He takes your hand in his and gently strokes it, "You are extraordinary. Ordinary people will always try to suck the life out of people like you because they want what you have. Not because you have it, but because they don't. Don't ever let anyone make you feel that you don't deserve respect and love." His expression is earnest and he squeezes your hand, "It's an honor to know you, and to be trusted with your heart. You are truly remarkable." He smiles admiringly at you.

          Your cheeks flush and you wonder if you could ever get used to something like this...something that feels like a dream. You notice him watching you expectantly and realize he's spoken, pulling you from your reverie. You try to recall his question that still hangs in the air, unanswered. "Sorry, what?" He gives you an amused little smile and repeats, "Do you feel safe at Hogwarts?" You nod slowly, "As long as you're there, I do." His expression softens and he smiles gently.

          He stands and walks to where you sit, reaching for your hand. You offer it to him and he pulls you to your feet, smiling at you and delicately kissing your cheek and pulling your body close to his, his arms wrapped around you in a warm embrace. His voice is low and soft in your ear, "I will always be here." Your heart feels like it might burst at his words. He slowly pulls back and kisses your lips softly. His hand comes up behind your head and the other comes to your face, stroking your cheek. He breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes, his own lighting up in excitement, "I have another surprise for you."

          He leads you out to the backyard to a small plot of tilled earth, about four yards long and two yards wide. The rows are neat and uniform, and one row has already been planted, little seedlings transplanted along the soil bed. Your brows arch at the sight and he turns to you, answering the question in your eyes. "A garden. I was wondering...if you'd like to help me plant it? It's the best time of year for most of the herbs I'd like to raise this summer. What do you think?"

          You smile and turn to him, "I would love to, Severus. This is so cute!" He smiles proudly and puts his arm around your shoulder, looking over the little bit of tilled soil. "I've mostly chosen seedlings for common herbs used for potions, as well as a couple of rare ones. We'll have plenty to experiment with."

          In the back of the cottage is a door leading to a half work shed, half laboratory. You follow him into the small lab and see a large utility sink, a workbench and some shelves holding a few ingredients Severus had collected and brought from his office at Hogwarts. There are vials, bottles, beakers, ladles, cauldrons, and thermometers. You smile to yourself at how he's already made it his own.

          "Is this where you'll experiment then?" You ask as he rolls up his sleeves, exposing his pale, strong arms. He hands you two little cups of soil, each containing a tiny dittany sprout, "Where we will experiment." He winks at you. You smile and feel a rush of excitement for the future for the first time in a long time. You also feel a rush of something else stirring in your abdomen at a new thought blossoming in your mind. "What types of...experiments will we do in here, Professor?" His dark eyes flash up to meet yours and he steps closer to you and smirks, leaning in close to mutter suggestively, "I can think of a few..." His hand comes up and gently caresses your cheek, his eyes boring into yours.

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