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"hi mommy hi auntie Evie" Kayla said as she walked over to me and Evie

"hi baby" I said picking her up and putting her on my hip

"I'm sorry for being mean to you mommy"

"thank you" I said giving her a hug. no clue how Clay knew how to get her to do this but he did a good job so that all that I care about

I see Clay and my dad walking out of the house and it gets me a little scared but it doesn't look like either of them are missing their heads so I think I'm okay. I put Kayla down so she can go play on the swings with Gray and Kenzie and I walk over to Clay.

"so what did my dad say to you" I said grabbing a cold drink from the cooler he was standing beside

"nothing for you to worry about" he said watching the girls swing on the tree swing my parents got when we first moved into this house. it's the girls favorite thing ever. they could swing on that thing all night if I let them

"if you say so" I didn't feel like bothering him about what really happened so I just let it go.

"how did you get her to come out of her hiding spot" I joined him in looking at the girls and my brother playing

"a magician never reveals his secrets" he smiled

"yeah whatever" I smiled too and playfully rolled my eyes


"your going to scare him off if you keep doing that" Brielle's mom said to her dad

"it's not going to scare him off if he 110% truly wants to be in their lives"

"just give him a chance to prove himself before you come in and crash that all down"

"I gave him a chance 5 years ago and look at where that got us"

"that gave us the grandchildren that you love probably more than your own kids so don't even say that was a bad thing"

"no that wasn't a bad thing. leaving them was the bad thing"

"he didn't know. theres nothing he could of done. we were moving"

"look. I in no way want to scare him away.. I just don't want to see our daughter and her children get hurt" he said hugging his wife. they both know it is a complicated subject and the only thing they can do is let Brielle deal with it.

"they will be okay" she said looking at Brielle and Clay standing talking and smiling

"I hope so"

"what do you want a burger or a hotdog" Brielle said to the girls

"hotdog please" Kenzie said

"hamburger please" Kayla replied as the same time as her sister

Brielle walked over to the freshly cooked food that her dad just took off the barbecue 

"one hot dog for Kenzie and one hamburger for Kayla please" she said to her dad and handing two specialized plates that the girls kept at Nanas and Papas house with their names on it.

"order coming up" her dad joked acting like a full restaurant chef and handing the hotdog and hamburger to her 

"thanks dad" she said smiling and walking back to the girls who were sitting at the table on the patio with Clay

"here girls" she handed them their food 

"do you want anything?" Brielle said to Clay 

"I'll go grab food in a bit. the girl were just telling me about what they did at school today" 

"oh okay but if oyu wanted a burger you might want to grab one soon before they run out. you know how my dad is" Brielle said and Clay laughed at the last part

"I remember. didn't he eat like 5 whole huge burgers in less than 30 minutes. I still have no idea how he didn't get sick after that" Clay said

"he's always said it his favourite" they both smiled at the funny memory 

"well I better get one now before I miss out" Clay got up and went to the barbecue 

the girls had been peacefully eating with Brielle when Clay got back with his food followed by Brielle's mom, dad, brother, and sister

the girls had been peacefully eating with Brielle when Clay got back with his food followed by Brielle's mom, dad, brother, and sister

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

*how everyones sitting*

"so girls for your birthday this weekend I was thinking of going to the spa and we can do a whole spa day with you, me, aunt Evie, and mommy. have a girls time like we used to" the girls both excitedly nodded

"what kind of cake do you guys want" Evie asked

"chocolate!" both the girls yelled 


After a long talk about what was going to happen on the girls birthday the conversation got switch awkwardly onto me

"so Clay, how have your parents been doing" Brielle's dad Christopher said.

"they've been good. they are on vacation in Mexico right now with my younger sister and brother"

"thats cool. are you still living at their place?"

"no I moved out with my friend Nick around a year and a half ago"
*note this story is taking pace in 2021 so far because I'm a bit behind on writing new parts. I hope to catch up to present time soon though*

"still into football?" 

"yes. I don't play anymore but I still watch it occasionally"

"dad this is not a interrogation room. theres no need to pester him with questions" Brielle said before her dad asked another question

"I'm just trying to have conversation Brielle"

"it's no problem" I added to not start a fight between them right now "I can answer whatever questions you have" I said trying to be friendly

"okay.. do you have a girlfriend-"

"dad!" Brielle said putting her head in her hands

I laughed a little bit seeing that somehow Brielle was the one looking embarrassed in this situation

"um no. not in about 3 years. and that relationship only lasted like a month" I said looking between Brielle and her dad

"it just wasn't a healthy relationship" I added

"...so... I heard you have a cat" Evie said changing the topic 

"yeah. her name is patches" ...

the questioning continued for what feels like forever

unexpected - dwt x female oc.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat