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Nick 🐼

We need to talk

Nick 🐼
Everything good?

It's not about you
Are you at the house rn?

Nick 🐼
Yeah do you need something

Yeah I need you to cancel any plans you had
tonight. We are having guests over for dinner

Nick 🐼
I was going to stream valo with punz but I
guess I could cancel

Who's coming over

Wait is it Brielle?

Weren't you going to see her today?

Ill be home soon to explain cause its a lot
to take in


"You have what now" nick was in complete shock

"We were 17 nick"

"And what she has just been raising them by herself. Why did you never tell me"

"Not even I knew about them until today or well technically last night but I didn't know it was true until today" I answered "I just promised Brielle that I would tell you before she got here. She said it would be awkward if I didn't tell you about the girls"

"No shit Sherlock. Do you really think i'm not going to question two toddlers with your ex girlfriend"

"Shut up"

"What are their names" he asked

"Makenzie and Makayla. They are identical twins and trust me they look just like me if I had long hair and was a toddler"

"oh um also I'm taking care of the girls tomorrow since Brielle said they only go to school on certain days and they would normally go to daycare while she was at work but I offered to take care of them"

"I had stream plans with Karl and George but I guess I could tell them that something came up if you want me to help with tomorrow"

"No no I should be fine. I'm thinking of maybe taking them out for lunch and everything"

"Are you sure cause I'm not even sure if I want to stream tomorrow or not so it will give me an excuse"

"It's up to you then-"  the door bell rang

"That's them. Oh and um she doesn't know about the whole streaming thing yet but I'm telling her tonight so don't talk about it" I said partly yelling as I walked to the door

"K" nick replied

"Hey" she said with one girl in her arms and one girl standing holding her hand

unexpected - dwt x female oc.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora