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life never goes the way you plan it to go. well at least mine didn't.

hey im Brielle and although my life has been a roller coaster for the past 5 years, i don't regret any of it.. well maybe one thing but that's a story for another day

im the mother to the most beautiful identical twin girls Makayla and Makenzie, but i rarely call them their name i mostly just call them Kayla and Kenzie. crazy to think they are turning 5 next week. I gave birth to them at 17 years old which i know is really young to have in general one baby, let alone two babies but i manage to my best ability. i also have a very supportive and helpful family and i am very thankful for all they have done for me and my girls.

the twins were born 143 seconds apart via caesarean. they had also spent the first month in the hospital because one, baby b - Makenzie - was really under developed and she couldn't breath on her own and two, they were both born at 32 weeks so they were both really tiny and they had to be under 24 hour supervision. those weeks after their birth were the hardest on me, all i wished in the world was to hold them and just make them not in pain but i couldn't and those were probably the scariest times of my life. luckily they recovered and we all good and healthy to come home with me after 36 days of being in the ICU and now they have been both the best and most challenging kids ever since

Makalya and Makenzie are identical twins so a lot of people get them mixed up but to me they don't look alike at all. they also have two very separate personality's that they in no way hide it. my parents and siblings also know the difference between the two but other people not so much.

i have one older sister that's 2 years older than me named Evelyn but everyone calls her Evie and one younger brother that is 3 years younger than me named Grayson and my dad most of the time was working since he was a construction worker and was always doing a new build. My mom was a stay at home mom so when i lived with them someone was always home in case i needed to go out and get something for the girls which was really nice. and they all for the most of the time were okay if i needed to step out for a second to get stuff, although i bet when my siblings watched them they would be doing stuff they know they cant do with me and that i just don't know about but the girls are obsessed with the dress up things my sister does with them and how my brother would run around chasing them then throwing them up in the air once he caught them, i never liked when he did that because i was scared of them getting hurt but it got to a point where that's all they wanted to do for an entire year was 'uncle Gray up up up' so i mean they clearly have fun when they were watching them.

to afford everything for us three i have to work two jobs. i work in a small cafe in the mornings and in the afternoon i work in a front desk at an office place and just check people in and out. nothing to special but it gets the bills paid and my kids fed

and as of the twins father, well he doesn't know about them. we met each other in middle school and were together the majority of high school, he was in online school and i was going to school face to face but then in our junior year before i knew i was pregnant, i found out i was moving to New York for my dads work and after i told clay - their father - i was moving, he told me that long distance would be to hard and we had to break up and we got into a really heated argument about it that lasted over a week long but i had no choice. my parents were moving i cant just tell them no and then stay in Florida. at the time i didn't know i was pregnant so i didn't know that i really did have a valid reason tell my parents to stay. anyways we moved and clay told me to never talk to him ever again because apparently 'im not fighting hard enough to stay and keep this relationship alive' which was complete bullshit because he never saw all the nights that i begged my parents to stay but whatever. so yeah i did what he told me to do, i never talked to him ever again. i also stopped talking to a lot of other people that knew both of us cause i was afraid to tell them i was pregnant with his kid, knowing they would most likely tell clay

its not like i don't want my kids to know what having a dad feels like, i just was to afraid to tell him i guess and now its gotten to the point where the longer i don't tell him the harder it will get and the more mad he will feel and the longer both him and the twins will miss out.

and plus we have been perfectly fine just us three

when the twins were 2 we moved back to Florida but im still to afraid of contacting clay

last year i moved out of my parents house to a small apartment because it was getting really hectic with two talking, running, playing toddlers in my parents house and i felt like it was time for me to move out and raise them.

the twins go to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and on Thursdays they go to a daycare down the street. Fridays im off work so i stay home with them and we do different things depending on the day which is nice because those are days i really get to bond with them and have fun watching them grow up.

My girls are my life and i will do anything i could to make them happy. so although me and clay didn't work out i still thank him because he gave me them.

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