Kendo: Leo!

Todoroki: we'll hold it off

Bakugou: stay out of my way half and half!

Bakugou shouts as he and bakugou get the dreki's attention and start to fight

Kendo: you okay?

Leonidas: yeah I'm good, I might have a plan at defeating this thing

Kirishima: whatchu got man?

Leonidas: alright, bakugou and todoroki are already distracting it, kirishima, kaminari you two get up close to try and restrain it, kendo, jiro, yaoyorozu, asui you guys try to stun it while Me Atreus and father will kill it

Leonidas said as they nodded, kirishima and kaminari rushes towards the dreki as kaminari charges up to shock the dreki

Kaminari: indiscriminate shock!, 1.2 million volts!!

Kirishima: unbreakable!!

Kirishima shouts as he hardens his body to his fullest, kaminari shoots a wave of electricity towards the dreki which shocks it, kirishima and todoroki restrained it as todoroki froze one side of it while kirishima used his strength to hold the dreki in place

That was until jiro shoots a sonic wave at the dreki as it screeches in pain, yaoyorozu created some Russian dolls as she threw them at the dreki and they exploded blinding the dreki, kendo then strikes the dreki multiple times as asui used her tongue to throw a large boulder at the dreki

Once the dreki was tired out kratos, Leonidas and Atreus ran towards the dreki as kratos grabbed the dreki's had as Atreus shot multiple arrows at it which pierced through it's throat, Leonidas took the opportunity as he stabbed both his blades into the dreki's skull killing it

Atreus: that one was tough

Kratos: stay on your guards, there could be others around

Kendo: nice plan Leo

Kirishima: yeah, it was the perfect opportunity to try out a new move I've been working on

Bakugou: I told you not to get in my way half and half!

Todoroki: then pick another route next time

The group continues forward as they spot a mine from a far distance

Leonidas: look, I see a mine up ahead

Atreus: that has to be what durlin was talking about

Mimir: tracts up on the left there, might be another train we can take

The group followed the tracks as they tried to find another cart

Leonidas: father, I've been thinking, once we rescue Tyr, what if a war isn't just his to fight, what it's as much ours as it is his

Kratos: not the only way

Leonidas: were gods..better gods than any other out there, our goal is to prevent Ragnarok, and what if the only way for that to do that is war?

Kratos: Leonidas

The group continues on as they spot another cart for them to use, Leonidas walks up to it as he cuts the hook that was attaching the cart to another off, Leonidas pushes the other cart out of the way as kratos assists him at getting the cart back on the tracks, the group enters the Cart as kratos and Leonidas got the cart back on the track and they started moving

Atreus: okay, so we came here looking for Tyr because we don't trust Odin right?

Leonidas: right...

Atreus: but like Leo was saying, if you think about it war could-

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