Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze

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I was slightly worried about what Dr.Shen told me about his observation towards (y/n)'s behavior which can only not be from what happened recently but even his past. I took a deep breath as i think of what i can in my end to help him.

Ahri:There you Eve! We almost got lost in this place.

My train of thought was cut off from a familiar voice.

Akali:Hey have you seen (y/n)?

Eve:My bad Dear, but (y/n) still in the hall resting.

Akali:Then exxcuuseee me~

I chuckled seeing how Akali is being close to (y/n) though can you blame her? She's been with him the longest than of us. Something that i felt jelous of her.

Kai'sa: did you get to see Dr.Shen?

Eve:Yeah, he told me hes doing quiet fine but...

Ahri:Is there something wrong?

I looked at both of Akali and (y/n), slightly gripped my drink feeling worried that i hope his trauma won't effect himself harshly.

(Y/n) POV

Akali:Hey, still holding up?

I wad surprised seeing the Akali here as well. Im guessing there small event finally ended.

(Y/n):Hey Akali, yeah im good just-

I tried to stand up but felt my legs became jello for a second which made me lose balance so i sat back down. Akali chuckled and handed me a hand which I was hesitant to feeling my chest slowly tightening not from exhaustion but from being uneasy i am feeling, with my vision slowly getting tunneled and my hearing getting clouded with whispering voices through my thoughts drowning me with disturbing insults that is slowing shrinking into my own bubble that u have created so long getting away from my shame and unsettling fear hearing the  familiar voices from my past.... Ash...Sej..Nicole... Eve....even....


A bright light shined that slightly blinded with a silhouette of a person slowly getting clear i see Akali with her head tilted slightly and looking at me worriedly. I whipped of the cold sweat that i felt on the back of my neck.

(Y/n):Sorry i just blacked out for a second.

Akali:You sure you can stand? We can get you a wheelchair.

I took a deep breath and slowly grabbed at Akali's hand as she helped me get up from the bench, i rested my arm on her shoulder for a second to get my balance. She looks at me with a smile.

(Y/n):Don't worry everything's peachy.

I smiled back feeling though disappointed at myself that i felt these kind of feelings and thoughts towards her.

(Y/n):Just give me a minute and let me change and wash up.

Akali:Sure thing.

I went to the changing rooms of the area and took my sling bag that had a extra shirt i got, going to the sink i splashed myself with cold water feeling the mix of the ventilation and cold water making my whole body shivered but also waking me up from my numbness. I took deep breaths before putting on a shirt then grabbing a medicine container opening 1 compartment i looked at the pill that looked like a skittle.

(Y/n):Cheers to us...

Akali POV

As (y/n) left i was worried of him blacking out as his face looked all pale and his lips were dry. As much it wasn't convincing i just wished he would lean on us. I went back to the others and join up to there conversation.

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