Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)

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(y/n) POV

Qiyana took Sera as soon we got out of the elevator to meet the rest of true damage, hopefully she can meet Akali since she's a big fan of KDA. And so I was left with Ekko,we got out and i started looking around to see who got invited and what's in the party. I recognize some people in the party because of them being famous celebrities online and in television, even famous people like Basketball player Darius over there with the other athletes.

(Y/n): I didnt knew you guys were friends with Darius.

Ekko:We aren't, he's Lucians friend.



I remember Lucian also helped the crew with funding some of the production just to help his wife, which was touching seeing the love of your life fully supporting you. On our way of who knows where i forgot that we were meeting up with Yasuo, but i think i kinda know where he would be in a party, but it's still better to ask Ekko since he's been with him awhile ago.

(y/n): By the way you know where Yasuo is right? I don't see him anywhere.

Ekko:He texted me that he was at the bar, i guess we can start there?

Called it.

We continue our way to Yasuo which was at the second floor of the penthouse and while walking up the stares i noticed alot of people are grouped up in that 1 corner, It might some  celebrity or big shot rich person over there, but it got me curious who that person might be.

(y/n): what's up over there?

I pointed out the group of people bunched up together on the corner at the middle of the venue.

Ekko:No idea, must be some famous celeb or rich guy, me and Qi went down to check up on something so i havent really seen who's here yet.


We passed by the crowed and ignoring the group of people that was on the middle on our way to the bar to meet Yasuo, while i continue looking around to see what's in the party.

Ahri POV

More and more  guest arrived minutes ago, and so did more people started grouping around us.

Stranger#1: Hey Ahri care too dance?

Stranger#2:How about drinks? My treat!

Ahri:I-im fine thanks.

I politely reject 1 person after another and tried to listen to whatever my ears can manage from multiple people talking, I let out a big sigh in my head and  adjusted a bit to see how Kai'sa was doing.

I looked and saw she's trying her best not to get herself too flustered from the amount of people talking to her, she isnt the most outgoing but if you get to know her she can also be talkative. I went back to the problem in my end and continue to try myself not get annoyed.

Why cant we just enjoy it normally like everyone else, not like people would group up on us and just try to flirt or chat to like I'm the only person in the whole world.

Its not like I hate the attention, but it sometimes take a toll, when u just want to do something without any fans , guys trying to flirt or do there boring talks about how rich they are.

I looked at Akali and can't help but feel jealous cause there seats were not swarmed by fans which is a mystery for me,i shifted my gaze and  saw Evelynn enjoying herself on the balcony since no one wants to approach her....lucky her, looking back Akali seem to be having a lot of fun...

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