Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.

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Message from the Author: Sorry this chapter took a lot of time, i had to fix the plot of the next 3 chapters since it last chapter took a big chunk of the future chapters so i had to start from scratch and also i had some personal projects on my side as an artist hence big delays. So sorry, and i'll try to catch up with everything, so enjoy this weeks chapter!

Kai'sa POV

It was 7am in the morning and mostly it's me who's already awake at this time since I like to do some morning exercises and dancing before I start cooking breakfast for the girls, but since (y/n) is awake and here I decided to make a very special Breakfast today so I got up in bed and walked to the kitchen.

Kai'sa:I wonder what (y/n)'s favorite breakfast meal is..

I browsed through the cook book looking for something i can cook but after skimming a few pages a heard footstep coming closer.

Eve:morning darlin.

Kai'sa:You're early today.

Eve's yawned for a bit before continuing.

Eve:Of course, today is going to be exciting~


I walked to one of the counters, grabbed a mug and turned on the coffee maker, i looked at Kai'sa who saw looking at a cookbook.

Eve:Something special today?


I've pointed out at the book she was reading at

Eve:you usually use that when we're celebrating something.

Kai'sa:Oh...about that...I actually wanted to ask u something...

Kai'sa was starting to get flustered from her voice.

Oh? I think I can understand where this is going~

Eve: What is it Darling?~

Kai'sa:D-do you know what-

Before Kaisa could continue we heard footsteps coming which made Kaisa startled. The footstep got closer and closer so I lean abit forward to see who was coming to see it was (y/n).

(y/n):mornin you two.

Kai'sa:(y/n)! Y-you're up early!

(y/n):Yeah...i kinda didnt feel like sleeping since I was asleep for you know, months.

Kai'sa chuckled from what (y/n) said.

Kai'sa:you're right.

(Y/n) POV

As I sleepily walked to the other side of the counter, my body slowly woke up from the smell of coffee.

(y/n):Mm....Is it cool if i have some coffee?

Eve:Sure thing Dear~


I sheepishly smiled as I still felt uncomfortable around Evelynn to be honest at the same time it was awkward being close to her again but i just didn't want to make it weird with the others.

Eve:Dont mention it Dear~

While i was pouring a cup and adding a lot of cream to my drink but I could feel the stares of Evelynn, which made me more uncomfortable.

(y/n):Something wrong Evelynn?

Eve:Oh dont mind me dear, i'm just enjoying the sight.


I took a small sip of coffee i felt the warmth slowly flowing through out my body.

(Y/n): aahh..the feels greats.

BEHIND THE SCENES( KDA X MALE READER ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ