By a hair's breadth, they narrowly evaded being crushed by the falling debris, their hearts pounding in their chests as they escaped to safety.

"Phew! We barely made it. I almost lost my hat on the way..." Wizard sighed, his breath ragged and labored.

"You there! Trespassers! Who let you in here?! And why are you donning the armors of Mochaccino Cookie?!" One of Affogato's disciples interrogated, his voice demanding answers.

"The castle walls have fallen! Everyone has to get to safety! And the armor was given to us by Mochaccino Cookie himself!" Gingerbrave retorted, his voice strained with urgency.

"What nonsense are you spouting? The castle walls are made of reinforced 100% cacao able to withstand any siege! And Mochaccino Cookie doesn't charity his armor to outsiders!" The disciple vehemently denied.

"Hello? Can you hear us fine?! Get your boss or something, Dark Cacao Cookie or whatever his name is!" Chili Pepper bellowed, her words dripping with fury.

"Chili Pepper Cookie! You have to stay civilized! No matter the situation, royal etiquette has to be followed!" Custard III scolded.

"Well-versed in etiquette, I see! I suppose I can spare a moment to hear what you have to say." The disciple responded, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Uhm, so you see... We just want to meet... Mister? Lord...? Dark Cacao Cookie!" Custard III explained.

"...Such insolence! It's our noble king you're talking about!" The disciple spat back. "Mannerless outlanders have no right to walk these halls! I will deal with you myself, here and now!"

"Whaat?! But what did I do wrong?!" Custard III wailed in confusion.

With the scene shifting, Dark Cacao stirred from his unconscious state, his body battered from the fall off the Great Chocolate Wall. Slowly, he regained awareness as two familiar voices reached his ears. "...Mmh..." He grumbled, snapping back to reality.

"Your Majesty! You're awake!" Caramel Arrow and Mochaccino exclaimed, lending their support as they helped him to his feet.

"You...? You two... Have you come to save me?" Dark Cacao asked, his mind still foggy from the impact.

"We returned to aid you. Once I reached my laboratory and woke Caramel Arrow Cookie, we witnessed your fall from the cliff on the security camera. She hurried to protect your body while I tended to urgent matters in my lab." Mochaccino explained, a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Aside from a few crumbs of your arm, we're relieved to see you are unharmed." Caramel Arrow added.

"Then... did you see who attacked me?" Dark Cacao inquired, his head still spinning.

"We did, though the truth may displease you..." Mochaccino replied, his brow furrowed. "Upon reviewing the security footage, we could scarcely believe our eyes. It was your own son, the prince, who assaulted you, Your Majesty."

"The very same Cookie who once taught me how to wield a bow... I was dreaming of the day I could once more stand by my prince, my commander. I cannot believe it truly was him..." Caramel Arrow spoke softly, her gaze downcast.

"The Cookie for whom I crafted countless gifts, the one who always greeted me with a smile when I presented them... How could he betray us like this?" Mochaccino lamented, his heart burdened with sorrow.

"...But his stance, that unmistakable technique... It could not have been anyone else than Dark Choco Cookie." Dark Cacao murmured, recalling the image of the traitorous Cookie as he plummeted from the wall. "...Ugh...!" He groaned, clenching his fist tightly against his chest.

The Dark Cacao Kingdom's Light - OC x Cookie RunWhere stories live. Discover now