3| A Kiss So Deadly

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Y/n opened her eyes to see Deacon infornt of her- kissing her.

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE-" Y/n yelled as she got off the sand. "Deacon, what are you doing?!" She pointed an accusing finger at the boy.

"Giving you CPR you idiot. Why would I kiss someone that looks like a blob fish like you?" Deacon clapped back while sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Knock it off you two, now is not the time to be flirting." Leo, Theo's twin brother spoke up.

Y/n hadn't actually taken time to examine her surroundings, but now that she did she saw that they were on a shoreline.

Y/n got up from the sand and soon noticed that there was like 20 yards of sand before the island broke out into forest that stretched for miles.

Infornt of her was the ocean that also stretched out for miles. "Where are we?" She mumbled under her breath.

"On an island dumbass." Nayeli spoke irritated. Y/n scowled "Who brought their feisty chiwawa along?"

"What did you just say you-" Nayeli was interrupted by Atlas grabbing her shoulder. "Nayeli, calm your tits."

Y/n giggled a bit before taking note of everyone on the island with her. Deacon, Wendy, Leo, Nayeli, Cairo, Atlas and her.

"Hey, where's Theo? He was with me when we were heading towards the boat."

"That dumbass who's name starts with an N over there thought it was a good idea to push you into the water in which Theo saved you and he said he was gonna go get some wood to start a fire for when night falls." Wendy explained while sitting crisscrossed on the sand.

Infront of Wendy lied 4 water bottles, a few candy bars, 2 foil-wrapped buritos and a packet of gum.

Leo noticed Y/n eyeing the food and spoke, "That's all we have to eat."

"There's not enough food, someone has to go and it's not me." Nayeli said while sitting down on the sand next to Cairo.

"Shut it Nayeli. I'm sure we'll be rescued before the food runs out." Atlas chimed in. "Let's be so serious. We're on a deserted island, we barely have food, no blankets and I'm sure no one here even knows how to make a fire. We don't even have anything to make an SOS sign with!"

"I know how to make a fire." Someone spoke as rustling was heard from the bushes. Everyone turned their heads around to see Theo emerging from the trees.

He had some logs and stones in his hands. He stacked the logs on top of each other and started rubbing the stones together until a spark was created. The spark fell onto the pile of logs, setting the whole thing ablaze.

The fire roared as the sun set, the group shifted into a makeshift circle around the fire in search of warmth. On Y/n's right sat Theo and on her left sat Wendy.

Despite the circumstances, Y/n felt at peace while staring at the sunset. "Beautiful right?" Theo spoke while staring at the girl, not the sunset layed out infornt of them. "Yeah, beautiful." Y/n mumbled in awe at the hues of reds, yellows and oranges set out into a beautiful array before her eyes.

𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 || Yandere x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now