2| Sabotage

451 23 14

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault ⚠️

Saturday, 9 p.m ☆

Y/n was currently sitting at the bar with Theo, they were having small, casual talk.

Theo had gone to order them drinks, leaving Y/n alone. She wasn't alone for long as a random dude took the seat where Theo once sat.

"Uhm, my friend is sitting there. Please move." Y/n spoke to the stranger.

"What's a fine babe like you doing all alone at a bar?" The man leaned in to which Y/n leaned back. The man's breath reeked of alcohol and he was slightly swaying in his seat.

Y/n, deducing that the man was drunk decided to leave. As she got up the man mumbled, "Where you going, baby? Your just gonna walk away after getting me all riled up? That's not fair, is it?" He spoke as he grabbed her wrist.

"Stop." Y/n spoke as the man wrapped his arm around her waist. "But lady, with a body like that and that tight dress on, it's enough to tighten any man's pants."

Y/n's eyes widened I'm horror as she started to struggle in the man's grip. "Let me go!" She screamed, hoping someone would hear her over the loud music.

Fortunately, her cries were answered as someone punched the man in his face. The man fell to the ground with blood coming out of his nose.

"Who said you could touch what's mine?!" Theo shouted the man on the ground. The man did not reply as he clutched his bloody nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Theo grabbed Y/n's hand gently as her eyes started to water. Her led them to a room on the yatch.

Y/n started crying as Theo embraced her, "Shh, it's okay. No one can hurt you, I'm here." He comforted her.

Y/n sobbed into his chest as Theo hugged her tighter, "I won't let anyone lay their hands in you again." He muttered under his breath with a clenched jaw.

??? POV:

Making my way through the crowd was tiring, I had to push and shove just to get to the control room.

I almost gave up but immediately reminded myself of why I was doing this in the first place, for my love, Y/n.

I quickly went through the plan in my head, step 1; set the ship at full speed towards the iceberg not far up ahead, step 2; sabotage the breaks, step 3; get a lifeboat and only take Y/n and I, step 4; take us to the nearby island where Y/n and I can live happily ever after.

I had been planning this for years as I had already bought the island in advance, so no search teams would have a reason to come into someone's private island.

The island already had a previous owner that built a small, cute house on it. Prefect for Y/n and I to start and raise a family there. I loaded the house with groceries and daily necessities months prior to today.

I had already thought everything through, I even checked the weather conditions to see if there were any icebergs at sea today.

There was nothing stopping me, by 12 a.m, Y/n would be mine and mine only. It was only a matter of time.

Once at the control room, I turned the telegraph to max speed, instantly making the ship propel on faster.

Perfect, grabbing hold of my pliers, I cut the wires leading to the breaks and made my way out of the control room.

No one could get in my way now, now all I had to do was find Y/n.

I walked to the bar where I had last seen her only for her to not be there anymore.

I felt the panic set in, where did she go?! I had to find her before the ship made contact with the iceberg.

Y/n POV:

I felt safe in Theo's arms and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I had to get out of his embrace.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he looked me in the eye. "Yea I'm fine, just a little shaken up." I replied, feeling nervous under his gaze.

"I-" he spoke up-


I flinched as a bug bang was heard from below. I stared at Theo as he grabbed my hand, taking us to the deck.

"EVERYBODY, THE SHIP IS SINKING!" Someone yelled out from the crowd, sending everyone else into a full blown panic.

People were screaming and scrambling to get to their loved ones as I stood there shocked. This couldn't be happening.

Life boats were being thrown off the deck left and right as people rushed and pushed each other to get onto the boats.

It was a stomping massacre, I'm pretty sure more people died by getting crushed to death than actually drowning.

"Y/n, Theo!" Someone yelled from behind us. I turned around to see Deacon and Wendy waving to us from a lifeboat, Theo wasted no time, running throught the crowd and towards the boat with me.

Just as we reached the boat, "Move! I'm too young and pretty to die!" Were the last things I heard before being pushed into the ice cold water.

Shit. I couldn't swim. I immediately started flailing around as I sunk in deeper and deeper. I was quickly running out of oxygen and my vision started getting blurry.

The last thing I saw was someone diving into the water with their hand stretched out towards me, "Y/n!"

Who do you think the yandere is, who do you think pushed Y/n and who do you think jumped in to save her ⊙⁠.⁠☉

Please vote and if you want, follow. Hope you enjoyed!

-976 words


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