She looked up, the hem of her shirt still held up between her teeth. Her hands froze over the white bandage she had procured to put over her stitches. She snapped out of her surprise quickly, pulling her shirt down and standing up in the process, "I'm sorry I'll finish up in the bathroom," she said, as she picked up her supplies.

"No don't, that's fine just put the bandage on. You don't want that getting infected," he said as he tentatively took a step into the room. The image of her scarred torso was still fresh in his mind. "I just came in to take a shower and get dressed, I'll stay out of your way," he said as he hurriedly made his way over to his suitcase and pulled out the first thing he could find before making a beeline to the bathroom.

He made sure he showered extra long before he changed into his clothes. When he slowly opened the door he saw her sitting in front of the vanity, putting on her makeup.

"So tell me, who is coming today?" she asked without turning.

"Just my two sisters and their husbands, Rodrigo and Guillermo. Ana is married to Rodrigo-,"

"And Blanca to Guillermo," she said, shooting him a small smile from the mirror.

He nodded, making his way towards her so he could get his hair products out. If she noticed anything about the sheer amount of product he scooped out of the pan, she didn't comment. "Who else?" she asked as she scooted to the side, giving him space to fix his hair in the mirror.

"An old friend of my father's but he wouldn't be paying much attention to us, he's too busy discussing politics with my dad,"

She nodded as she applied a deep red lipstick. He couldn't help but watch as the lipstick glided smoothly over her pouted lips. He had the sudden urge to kiss her.

"A small gathering. That won't be so bad," she said interrupting his intrusive thoughts in the process. Done with her makeup, she stood and gestured at her little white sundress, "This would do or should I change?" she asked as she pulled her hair over her shoulders.

He found himself taking a step closer and pushing her hair back to reveal her tan shoulders. She looked better that way. Up close she smelled nice. A mix of musk and honey and with little floral hints. He made a mental note to check what perfume she used.

He hadn't realized that she'd gone perfectly still.

"Um," he said clearing his throat and taking a step back, "Yeah this will do," he said, his voice suddenly hoarse.

She looked back at him in a mixture of confusion and something else he couldn't put a finger on. "Well that's good because I do want to make a good first impression on your family," she said just as the door bell rang and they both turned towards the door. When he turned back to her she gave him a conspiratorial wink.

"It's showtime,".


His sisters loved her. Now seated outside at the table in their veranda both Blanca and Ana were staring at Morgan with big grins on their faces. Morgan was seated beside his father and his mother sat in front of her. Carlos sat between both Morgan and Rodrigo.

"So what's it like dealing with our brother? I'm sure it's quite a chore," Ana said as she took a sip of her drink.

Morgan shrugged, "Oh he's entertaining alright. But I have to be honest and I'm totally not being biased," she winked earning a giggle from his sisters, "But your brother here is an absolute sweetheart," she said leaning her head against his shoulder in the process. His sisters beamed at her, pleased with her response. "Once we're done with dinner we need to have a little girls chat about what Carlos really is like. I can't believe that my little brother here is a sweetheart after all his bullying," Ana said, earning a collective laugh from the table in the process.

"Carlos here was a menace when he was a teenager. Kept going at his sisters and pulling pranks on them at every opportunity he got!" his mother said and Carlos noticed the bright look in her eyes as she spoke to Morgan. As everyone spoke to her he could see that they were warming up to her pretty well. She was at her most charming, her lashes fluttering at every compliment, ensuring that she always gave one back. She sat straight and poised, and she spoke lively and even managed to make everyone laugh. And he couldn't help but admit to himself that she was practically glowing.

The doorbell rang and his father stood up, "Excuse me please," he told Morgan, "There's just one more guest for this evening, I better go get him,".

"Oh no you're fine! Go for it," she said with a smile before she tuned back into Blanca's narration of her honeymoon. Carlos couldn't help but smile. Everything was going well, everyone liked her and Morgan, thank God was on her best behavior.

"She's a good girl. I'm glad you met her," his mother whispered in Spanish. He grinned, "I only attract the good ones, you know this," he replied in Spanish. His mother swatted him with her napkin, "You cocky boy!" she said with a laugh.

"Morgan," it was his father as he walked back in with Luis and his wife in tow, "I'd like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. This is Luis Estrada and his wife Maria,".

He felt her mood shift, her body going rigid as she stared at Luis who looked equally as shocked as she was. The atmosphere became tensed as everyone caught up on the tension at the table and quietened down. His father looked at Luis who hadn't taken a step further, "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost," he said in Spanish.

"Reyes?" Luis's voice came out in a choke. From beside him Morgan had gone cold, he could feel the goosebumps on her thigh where his hand had been splayed over throughout the entirety of the night. "Morgan?" he asked, turning to look at her but she wasn't looking at him, her gaze remained fixed on Luis.

"Luis? Do you know the girl?" his mother asked, looking at Morgan worriedly.

"Reyes?" Luis repeated.

"S-sir," she almost croaked out before breaking eye contact. This time looking at Carlos her eyes pleading him to stop what was happening. Before he could do anything Luis had taken a few steps forward and was pointing at her, "You disappeared, we thought you were dead," he said almost accusingly.

"What is going on? Luis explain this to me right now," his father's tone was sharp, effectively cutting Luis from whatever trance he was in.

"She worked for the fiscalia five years ago, Agent Reyes was a DEA agent sent from the US,"

"DEA?" his mother asked as everyone in the table turned to Morgan, including Carlos. He hadn't known that she was from the DEA, he always assumed that she started at Minotaur. "Is this true?" his father asked, turning to Morgan.

It took her a while to register his question and she nodded.

"We looked everywhere for you, there were search parties from both Colombia and the US but we couldn't find you. It was like-,"

"I had practically dropped off the face of this earth," her voice had lost the quiver to it and it came out stronger, more composed, "Because I did Officer Estrada. I had no other choice,".

"Only a coward would say that. You knew the charges you were facing and you decided to disappear!" he stormed up to her but before Carlos or his father could do anything to stop him, Morgan stood up- her shoulders squared, like she was ready to fight him.

This was going terribly wrong.

"I don't think federal prison was the right career path for me officer, so I had to do what needed to be done,".

"What were the charges?" his father asked.

Luis stared at her hard. Carlos could see the anger burn in his eyes as he spoke.


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