"Considering the horde's current concentration in the area due to our earlier fight, we'll have to wait for them to disperse and clear out. Dealing with smaller groups is manageable, but tackling a massive horde head-on would be suicidal."

Nodding in agreement, Saeko couldn't help but inquire, "And how are we supposed to just wait for them to disperse? Unless you've forgotten, those things are everywhere."

"Just watch," Nagi responded as he drove off the slope leading to the river, with the nearby horde following closely behind.

Reaching the even ground of the river trail, Nagi and Saeko observed as the undead tripped over themselves, tumbling down the stairs. Heads met the floor, and bodies flipped and hit the stairs before landing on the even ground below as well.

"So they can use the stairs but can't descend a simple slope," Nagi remarked to himself, quickly making a mental note of the weakness and peculiarity of the undead.

"It seems that way," Saeko responded, her eyes fixed on the undead as they slowly recovered from their fall and stood up. "Their ability to recover is flawless."

"You're correct in your observation, Saeko. However, in the end, it's meaningless," Nagi calmly stated, his voice devoid of emotion, as the engine roared and the tires gripped the ground before propelling the vehicle towards the river.

Saeko, perplexed by his remark, inquired, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

As they neared the river, Nagi answered, "This vehicle is amphibious."

"Amphibious?" Saeko repeated to herself. The realization dawned upon her, but it was too late. The ATV soared through the air before plunging into the water with a powerful crash.

The impact and weight of the vehicle created a massive wave that washed over Nagi, leaving him relatively soaked. Saeko, on the other hand, bore the full brunt of the drenching water.

Shaking his head to dislodge the water running down his face and hair, Nagi turned to Saeko with an unchanging expression. "Are you alright?" he asked.

However, instead of receiving the expected answer, Saeko, in a moment of realization, hastily grabbed her wet, drenched shirt, now transparent enough to reveal her purple lace bra.

With a giant blush spreading across her face, she hastily covered herself with her arms and knees, chiding, "Geez! You don't have to stare!" Nagi maintained his stoic expression, unaffected by the situation.

Complying with her request, Nagi turned his gaze away, focusing on steering the ATV towards a small sandbar situated in the middle of the lake.

"You know, for someone who showed no embarrassment wearing close to nothing but an apron, I don't see how you're embarrassed by your bra being shown," he remarked matter-of-factly.

Gazing at Nagi with a hint of disbelief, Saeko leaned over his seat and cheekily asked, "Are you perhaps a little pervert, Nagi?" Nagi shook his head in response to her query and simply replied, "Being a pervert was not my intention. I was merely stating my observation."

Chuckling softly, Saeko leaned back into her seat and remarked, "That poker face never leaves your face, does it? In fact, I don't recall ever seeing you smile. Is it something you're incapable of doing?"

"Curious?" Nagi questioned, as the vehicle gripped onto the land of the sandbar, reaching the middle of it.

He turned off the engine and gazed back at their previous position, only to see the undead slowly dispersing, leaving the scene. His eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing the situation with a calm and detached demeanor.

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