Chapter 5

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Ramiro followed the address to the far outskirts of town and when he arrived at the house, he began to believe he might have the wrong house. Hundreds of cars sprawled across a massive driveway and across the front lawn, and the rest of the cars lined the streets like they were the road itself. A large manor stood proudly in the distance, calling his name. It was a house that looked like a much bigger Graceland, with 4 large, glinting white beams that sat in front of the house, and held up the roof that sat 6 stories above and jutted out in a triangle shape that went over the beams. The rest of the building was made with tan bricks and green window shutters. Large crowds oozed out of the house like snot from a nose, and Ramiro could hear jazz music being played from inside the house, even from inside his car and across the street. He parked across the street, and began to walk up the sloped lawn and towards the front steps, where two lion figure heads sat proudly, snarling their teeth at him. He pushed his way through the large crowd of people that stood in the doorway of the manor. The main entry hall of the manor was vast and a brilliant hue of gold and black, the floor made of black marble that made you look like you were stepping on the endless abyss, and that one wrong step would send you careening through space and time itself. The roof was domed and came together where a large chandelier hung, swaying from the weight of the stunning, glittery crystals that had been implanted into the gold base. The hall stretched for what seemed like days towards large staircases that came together at the top, the railing of each trimmed with patterns of golden flowers. On a large stage sat a whole section each of Trumpets, Saxophones, Pianos, Trombones, Clarinets, Double Basses, Drums, Snares, and even a few Electric Guitars to round out the large band. It was a grand sight, each of the players working together like a well-oiled machine of grand magnificence, that filled the air with a boisterous, bouncy, bubbly, beautiful song of life itself. In front of the orchestra was a large bar, where large glasses stood filled with wine, liquid courage, and champagne. Ramiro grabbed a glass of champagne and looked around the house, hundreds of people dancing together and partying and drinking. Ramiro watched as a couple whispered to each other before running upstairs and into the rest of the house. Jubilation and excitedness filled the air, making the air flash with lightning. People ran up and down, and Ramiro heard a shout to someone that the backyard had three pools in total the size of Olympic pools, one deep pool, one pool that was set up for swim competitions, and one hot tub that was as large as the other vast pools, and a maze of a garden that was so beautiful it put even the sun to shame. People began to run hurriedly outside to make use of the pools, and Ramiro guessed that soon the whole party would be moved outside, so people could enjoy themselves in the cool night. Ramiro looked around the room for any signs of Solomon Moretti, whirling around in the middle of the room looking at every crack and crevice of the beautiful room. He finally found the gracious host, talking to 2 very important looking men, on the balcony of the staircase overlooking the rowdy scene. Ramiro made his way up the stairs and towards them, and Moretti, with seemingly a 6th sense, suddenly whirled around, eyes open, like a dog on high alert, and spotted Ramiro in the sea of people that moved like waves through the hall and outside.

"Why, hello there, Ramiro! I am positively excited that you were able to find the time to come!" Solomon Moretti cried, and he shook hands with Ramiro excitedly. Moretti was wearing a white and red pinstriped suit, that gave him the look of a candy cane, and a straw boaters hat with a red tie going around it.

"I thought you said this was a small party! It don't really seem like one!" Ramiro yelled over the music that floated around the room, and Solomon Moretti laughed, filling the room with even more sweet sound.

"I didn't expect so many to actually show up! I'm deeply honored! Ah, but where are my manners! Meet Dave Carpenter! He's the mayor of this city!" Solomon Moretti pointed to one of the men he was talking to. He wore a classy blue suit, with a red tie. He had eyes that shone with something Ramiro couldn't quite put his fingers on, and his smile curled up that gave him the look that he was always sneering. He grabbed an end of his long, but skinny mustache, and stroked it.

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