At a time like this, I would damn sure be calling Crystal and telling her everything that's unfolded, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't trust calling her at all, especially after finding out she had slept with Damian and didn't tell me. She was the ultimate backstabber and trusting her could be the reason I ended up dead somewhere. For all I knew, she could tell Damian where the hell I was. I couldn't trust it, and I damn sure didn't trust her anymore. I couldn't trust anyone. Everyone I loved had stabbed me in the back and was the reason I was in this situation.

Just the thought of my reality sent me into tears. I loved Damian like no other. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, and he took my virginity. I thought he would be my husband, and we'd get married, have a handful of children running around, and live a good life. He wasn't always this violent. When we first met, everything was perfect. Damian was everything to me, and I was everything to him, but things took a turn and haven't been right since. Now that I've finally broken free from him, I would never go back. I didn't care if I never found love again-I damn sure wouldn't go back to get it from him.

After wiping the tears from my eyes, I grabbed my wig brush from the passenger seat. I had to pull myself together before Bean pulled up. Although I was going through a lot right now, I damn sure didn't want to look like it. Good thing my lip wasn't too swollen. Damian had backhanded the shit out of me in the store, but this time, my face didn't swell. I would have hated to look Bean in the face with a swollen lip right after he saw me with a black eye a couple of days ago. The black eye was enough.

In less than fifteen minutes, the garage door opened, which made me jump a little. Just the sound of the garage door sliding up gave me anxiety. I kept thinking that Damian would burst through the doors and start shooting shit up. He was crazy as hell, so I expected the worst from him.

"Sup, gorgeous?" He eyed me up and down once he got out of his car and hit the alarm.

"Hey," I dryly said, and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You didn't get out of the car after I hung up with you? I told you to make yourself comfortable," he said as he opened the garage door and held it to let me walk in front of him.

"Wow, this is dope," I said once I stepped into the kitchen.

The garage door led us straight to the kitchen area, which was warm and welcoming. The glistening chandelier looked like jewelry hanging from the ceiling. Like a big ball of diamonds on a chain. He had a white kitchen with a marble waterfall island right in the center and white designer bar stools. His taste had to be expensive because I had never seen a kitchen designed so nice and clean. You could literally eat off the shiny tile floor.

Damian and I weren't poor when we were together, and we lived an okay lifestyle, but it was nothing compared to what was in front of me. The ceilings throughout the house made me feel like an ant. The four-car garage with multiple luxury cars showed his lifestyle before I even walked inside. Bean was living it up, and his house décor was so dope and made you feel at home.

I moaned once my feet sank into the living room carpet, and I flopped on the couch. I had never felt carpet so soft in my entire life.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?" he asked.

"Nope, but I would prefer a Lifetime movie." I smiled a little.

This was definitely a getaway house. The house to make you forget anything outside even exists.

Bean flopped beside me on the couch and pulled out his weed and blunts.

Stuck In Love With A Thug (Urban Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now