Back to Hogwarts

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Luna's P.O.V.

Today's the day. Today,I'm going back to Hogwarts. I'm excited to go back,but I'm really going to miss Neville. We arrive at King's Cross Station and walk through the wall to Platform Nine and three quarters. I check my watch. It's ten-fifty-three I still have time to say goodbye.

"So,have you got everything?" Neville asked.

I did a quick check. "Yes."

"Not everything."

"What? What am I missing?" I asked,looking at the things in my trolley.

"This," he said,pulling a white bunny out of his jacket pocket.

"Aww! Neville,that's so sweet of you. Thank you!"

"No problem. I had Trevor when I was in school so, I thought you might like a pet." He said.

"I think I'll call you Cottontail." I said to the bunny.

The train whistled. That means it would leave in five minutes.

"You better get on and find a seat." Neville told me.

I hugged him tightly and realized I was tearing up. "I'll miss you."

"I'll write you everyday,Ok?"

"Ok." I said.

I gave him a quick kiss and got on the train. I ran into Ginny in the train corridor and we sat in a compartment together. As we sat down,the train started to pull away. I saw Neville out the window and waved. He and all the other people got smaller and smaller until I couldn't see them anymore.

"So,who's the bunny?" Ginny asked.

"Oh,this is Cottontail." I said, holding him up.

"Aw,he's so cute!"

"Yeah,Neville got him for me."

"You're really going to miss him,aren't you?" Ginny said.

"Yes. I wish I could've stayed. But, he and Daddy say that it's best that I finish school to get an good education." I answered.

After a while,Cottontail and Arnold-Ginny's Pygmy puff-played together on the floor and the candy trolley came by. Nothing really out of the ordinary. After a while,someone came by and told us to change into our robes. We did. The train finally arrived at Hogwarts. Ginny and I got in one of the carriages and rode to the castles.

"You were right,Luna,the Thestrals are amazing." Ginny said.

"Yes. Wait-you can see them?" I asked in surprise.

She nodded. "Remember when we were fighting Bellatrix? Well,mum kinda killed her in front of me,so...yeah." She explained.


We made it in the castle and we had to part. She sits at the Gryffindor table,I sit at the Ravenclaw table. Then Professor-or,rather Headmistress-McGonagol stood at the podium and gave the beginning do the year speech.

"...And now,let us have a moment of silence to those lost in The Battle."

Everyone was silent.

"And those who fought for Hogwarts who are here now,please stand."

Many,many people stood. Such as, Me,Ginny,the Patil twins,Justin Finch-Fletchly,Cho Chang, just to name a few. Everybody clapped. Then,we all sat down.

"Now," said McGonagol "Off to your dormitories. You'll all want a good night's rest for your first day tomorrow."

All the students headed of to the dormitories. I headed towards Ravenclaw Tower. I share my dorm with Padma Patil and Cho Chang.

"So,Luna," asked Cho,"what did you over the extended break?"

"Well,I went Nargle hunting,I got married-"

"You got married?!" Interrupted Padma.

I was as red as my Drigible Plum earrings. Yes..." I said.

"To who?"

"Neville Longbottom."

"AWWW!" They squealed.

My face was still red.

"Can we see your ring?" Cho asked.

I held out my hand and showed them my wedding band with the diamond in the center.

"Oh,Luna,I hope things work out for you two." Padma said.

"Thank you, Padma." I said.

The rest of the night they just asked questioned about my married life. It was about eleven o'clock by the time we went to bed. I didn't want to stay up too late. We did have classes tomorrow,after all.

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