Telling Gran

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Neville's P.O.V.

Oh,boy. Today's the day. I have to tell Gran that Luna and I are engaged. I'm afraid she won't take it well. She likes Luna and all,but, she thinks she's ...odd. Then again,a lot of people think Luna's odd. But I don't care and neither does she. That's just one of the many things I love about her. I was kind of stalling this morning to make things go slower.

"Neville,I know what you're doing." Luna said to me at breakfast.

"Cutting my pancakes?" I say,trying to sound oblivious.

She gave me a look that I knew meant "Not funny,Neville".

"You're stalling so we won't have to tell your Gran."

I sighed in defeat. "Ok,yes,but what if she says something bad about us?" I say.

"It won't matter. No matter what anyone says, we can still get married."

She's right. Then again,she nearly almost is.

"Ok,then. I guess we're off." I said.

We Apparated to Gran's house. I know what you're thinking,yes,I did used to live with Gran but, I moved out and now I live in a two-story house out in the country. CRACK! We arrived at Gran's.

"Uh,let's go,Luna, I changed my mind." I said,turning around.

But I was stopped by Luna gripping my arm.

"Neville,we have to tell her." She said,sternly.

I don't think I've heard Luna say something more seriously. "Luna,did I ever tell you're really pretty when you act serious?" I said.

She rolled her eyes but I could see that she was blushing a bit.

"Come on." She said,dragging me by the arm to the door.

I knocked on the door and Gran answered.


"Hello,Mrs. Longbottom." Luna greeted.

Gran didn't really say anything. But,she showed us inside.

"Gran,we need to tell you something." I said,once we were inside and seated.

"Alright,then. What is it?" She asked.

I stared down at my feet. I hope she doesn't say anything negative.

"Um,Luna and I....argffingmrred." I mumbled.

"Neville,you know how I feel about mumbling. Now,speak up!" Gran said.

"Luna and I are...getting...married." I said,a bit louder.

Gran's mouth formed a perfect 'O'. This can't be good.

"Neville Longbottom, I cannot believe you! You ask someone to marry you and couldn't even pick someone decent! You could have raised your standards some! I am of you ashamed,Neville." Gran said-well,more like shouted.

I can't believe she said that! I look over to see that Luna had tears welling up in her eyes. Nobody-and I mean nobody-makes Luna cry.

"You know what,Gran?," I said,standing up,"I don't care what you think of Luna. She's amazing. She may have her quirks,but I love that about her,no matter what anybody else thinks. She's smart,caring,adventurous,sweet,imaginative,gorgeous,and so much more. Gran if you can't accept Luna for who she is,you won't be invited to the wedding...or be able to see our future children..well,if we have any." I stood there waiting for her to reply.

Gran was crying.

"Neville,that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me!" Luna said, giving me a hug.

I was still waiting for an answer from Gran. She didn't say anything so, I took Luna by the hand,and left. By the time we Apparated back to my place, a little,brown owl was pecking at my window. It was Gran's owl. I read the letter. I'm not going to go into great detail,but it basically said that's she was so sorry and she accepts Luna how she is and she won't say anything against her ever again. I'm glad Gran apologized. Having her like Luna means a lot.

Luna and Neville: Accio LoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum