The Wedding

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Luna's P.O.V.
Today,I'm getting MARRIED!! I can't believe it! It's eight o'clock in the morning now. So, that means we have to set up chairs,hang up decorations,bake all the food,and by the time we're done with those things,it's already noon. Molly rushes me upstairs and Hermione and Ginny do my hair and makeup. Hermione and Ginny are wearing their gold dresses.They wouldn't wear yellow so,we decided on gold. I'm ready. I look at myself in the mirror. I think I'm going to cry. Everything is turning out perfect!
"Luna,please don't cry! I worked really hard on that makeup." said Ginny,sensing that the tears were coming on.
This is going to turn out to be the best day of my life. I can just feel it.
Neville's P.O.V.
I was at my place,dressing in my wedding robes. Harry and Ron were there,too. I started to get really nervous.
"What if she says no? Or what of I mess up my vows and everyone laughs? Or what if-"
""Blimey,Neville! You worry too much!" Ron interrupted.
"I know. I'm a total mess..."
"Neville,cheer up,mate. It's your wedding day!" Harry said,trying to cheer me up.
"I'll try. But I'm still nervous."
Luna's P.O.V.
It's four o'clock now. Only one hour left! Oh,I'm so excited! Then,again,I am a little nervous.
"You alright,Luna?" Ginny asked. "You look kind of pale."
"That's because I'm nervous! What if the minister calls me 'Loony' or something?"
"Luna,everything'll be fine."
"If you say so." I said,twirling my hair. Two minutes passed. Just fifty-eight more minutes to go.....
Neville's P.O.V
Oh. My. Gosh! I'm getting married in twenty-five minutes! I think...I'm faint. Wait-no,I'm not. False alarm. Harry,Ron,and I head over to the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley practically drags me up to the alter and instructs me to stay put. I do as I'm told, and besides, nobody wanted to make Mrs. Weasley mad. That could be scary.
Luna's P.O.V.
Daddy arrives and is wearing his yellow robes. The same ones he wore to Bill and Fleur's wedding. When he sees me in my dress,he starts to tear up.
"Oh,Luna. You look beautiful,darling."
"Thank you,Daddy. But,please don't cry. Then,I'll start to cry and Ginny doesn't want me to mess up my makeup."
Daddy chuckled at my comment.
"Just a few more minutes...."
Neville 's P.O.V.
Everybody has arrived now. That can only mean one thing. The wedding is starting. Oh my gosh. Then,the music starts to play. One year old Victorie walks out first. She carefully drops the petals on the ground then,goes to sit with Fleur,who is in the front row,until the minister asks for the rings. Next,Harry and Ginny walk out. Ginny goes and stands behind where Luna will be and Harry comes and stands behind me. Then,Ron and Hermione do the same. Then,the audience stands. Out walks Xenoliphilius and Luna. Luna....she looks so beautiful. Her dress looked amazing on her. It was just above her knees,but she had a long train in the back. She finally reached me and her dad gave her away. I didn't even really pay attention to what the minister was saying. I kept getting lost in Luna's eyes. But then,it was time to say our vows and I snapped out of it.
"Do you,Neville Longbottom, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife,until death you part?" The minster asked me.
"I do." I slipped Luna's ring on her finger.
"And do you,Luna Lovegood,take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband,until death do you part?"
"I do." Luna said. And she put on mine.
"You are now bonded for life. You may kiss-"
He didn't have to tell me twice. I kissed Luna before he could even finish his sentence. The crowd clapped. When Luna and I broke apart, I could see that Mrs. Weasley and Gran were crying and Hermione and Ginny were just about to. And with that,the reception began.
Luna's P.O.V.
I'm FINALLY married to Neville! Mrs. Longbottom; I really like hearing the sound of that. Neville and I sat at a table with Harry,Ginny,Ron,and Hermione.
"So,are you two going anywhere for your honeymoon?" Ginny asked.
"The Forest of Dean." I replied.
"Harry,isn't that one of the places we stayed when we were hunting for Horcruxes?" Hermione asked.
"I heard the forest is full of Nargles," I said. "So, on one of the days we stay,we'll go Nargle hunting."
After the reception,Neville and I went home. When we got to the door,Neville picked me up bridal style and I asked,
"Neville,what are you doing?"
"The groom is supposed to carry the bride this way on the wedding night."
"Alright,then." I giggled.
We were so tired,we fell right asleep.

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