- They were just revealed out of the blue? Super abruptㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└ Ikr? Suddenly, they were just posted on ID's official website this morning.

└ What if an employee uploaded it by mistake? ㅋㅋㅋ

└ They were even posted on the official account with the blue check as soon as midnight hit, so it doesn't seem like a mistake.

└ Do they already have an official account?

└ They've had it even before debut...

- I guess it's true that all handsome guys are kept in ID's basement.

- Chung is so damn handsome ㅜㅜ

- (Baekya.jpg) Ah, he's seriously insane. I actually cursed out loud. His face is so f*cking cute.

└ Huh? His face doesn't match the usual ID visuals.

- Are these the guys from the eyewitness accounts that were posted before?

└ Seems likely

└ Yu-Yeon - Dimples, Chung - Gray wolf, Yul-Mu - Puppy, Ji-Han - Mono-eyelid Cat, Baek-Ya - Peach, Min-Sung - Rabbit. That's my guess.

- They're really good-looking

└ You call that good-looking? Tsk, tsk. They all look like anchovies.

└ Yeah~ And your face looks like anchovy poop

- Is Baek-Ya the youngest? He's like a soft poodle puppy and looks the youngest.

- If it's in December, will they perform together with AIM at the year-end stage?

- They're really good at fitting in newcomers.

- Must be great to have a large-scale debut~ They can use the end-of-the-year awards as their debut stage

* * *


The scribbled D-Day was written on the glass with a magic marker.

"Aaah~ It's hot!"

Despite the cold weather advisory, the air conditioning was running at full capacity instead of the heater. Yul-Mu, lying on the practice room floor, looked around while fanning himself with the handkerchief.

"You're not human, are you? How can you not shed a drop of sweat?"

"If it's that hot, go take a lap outside and come back."

Ji-Han, who was sitting nearby, nodded toward the door.

"Will you go with me?"


The answer came out without the slightest hesitation. Yul-Mu shuddered and got up to the response that was colder than ice.

"Wow. It's cold. It's freezing. Am I in Siberia?"

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