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The crew had finally cleaned themselves up and were all filling out of the bath house, refreshed. sanji was propped up between penguin and sachi, still slightly dizzy from blood loss. the last to leave were the girls, who made a bee line for the still bloodied trio.

"So?" nami piped. "I take it you succeeded, since you moved off topic?"

Sachi and penguin paled, exchanging fearful glances.

"We watched them for a little while."

"And then we go caught."

"and then we kind of watched them."

"And then we nearly killed Sanji."

"And then we found them."

"And then we realised we didn't need to do anything because they already acted like a couple. the curse is pushing them together so we don't have to."

The pair ranted, hoping to cover up their intentional blunder. the girls exchanged glances and sighed, not willing to sacrifice the moment of peace they had finally achieved for this morons.

While they chatted away, law and luffy were hailed by Wanda who came running at them with a transponder snail clutched in her hand. Caught off guard by her desperation, the pair hurried over. 

"What's up?" Luffy asked her, Law hovering behind him. She shot the pair a solemn look.

"You guys should get going. Kin'emon and Kanjuro have received troubling news from wano."

The captains exchanged a look of concerned curiosity. 

"What about Sanji?" Luffy enquired. "I can't go to Wano without my full crew."

"There's news on that front as well." Carrot  confirmed. "former warlord Jinbe has just contacted me and said he needs to talk to you regarding a member of your crew. I assume, since Jinbe is now working with big mom, that that crew member has to be Sanji."

There was silence as this information sunk in. Before Luffy could jump to a rash conclusion, Law stepped in.

"We will meet up at lunch time and lay out all the information we have. then we can come up with a plan." He offered, keeping an eye on the frisky boy beside him. To his surprise, Luffy agreed.

The pair parted ways with carrot who hurried off to inform Kinemon and kanjuro of their meeting plan, and went to inform their own crews. 

After a while they were all dismissed to continue with what remained of their 'holiday'. law and luffy went for a walk, or as luffy insisted, an adventure. The mink territory was different from anything either of the pair had come across in their travels. even law found himself marvelling in the strange feel of flesh under his feet. 

They wandered until they came to a small lake that had formed in a dent in the flesh of the elephant itself, presumably a scar that had its own tale to tell. the scenery that grew around it was strange, plants that simply couldn't have flourished in other places. without a word between them, the pair mutually decided that this spot would be their own and sat themselves down against the trunk of a nearby tree.

Law sat first, crossing his arms behind his head and closing his eyes to enjoy the warmth of the morning sun against his face. his muscles were, for once, feeling fresh and rejuvenated from their soak.

I'm a little silly, the top of my finger came off and I burnt myself on a MIG welder. Typing this shit hurls lmao.

 Typing this shit hurls lmao

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🥲 unlucky me I guess

sorry this was a super short chapter, usually i wouldn't even be half way done, but this is all i've got at the moment so I'm going to work on getting more out soon. sorry!

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