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Luffy woke up. He wasnt in the cave anymore. It was pitch black and he was alone. 

"Hello?" he called. Nothing.

"Torao? You there?" he tried again. When he didnt recieve and answer again, he began to worry. Not about himself but about his sick friend who was nowhere to be found. He waled forwards, hands outstretched, looking for anything that might help him out. A few meters away hecame to a smooth, stone wall. He placed a hand on it and began to walk. He walked for about five minutes before he realised he had been going in circles. He was trapped, surrounded on all side by cool thick stone. Some part of him knewthat he was deep underground, and the inky blackness was making it hard for him to know what was going on. 

The air seemed thick, and eventually luffy realised there was only a limited supply. This didnt worry him as much as it shoulf have, but it still gave cause for concern. He stilled for a moment, trying to think up a solution. Thats when he felt it. The pull in his core, like an invisable string tugging him towards somethin. And he knew exactly what it was. It was as if some part of him had known all along. 

He followed the string, followed it until he reaced the stone wall blocking his path and then he began to punch it, his fist coated in haki, until he heard the stone crack. He punched and punched and punched, unleaching his gatteling on the unforgiving wall. It cracked and gaveway, but the only thing behind it was more stone.

Still, luffy continued to punch and punch until his knuckles bled and his oxygen supply was running low. Just as he was about to black out, he burst through to a pocket of air that had formed in the rock, supposedly another of the caves.

It was completely silent so luffy deemed it empty, pausing only a moment to catch his breath before continuing his rampage.

This time the gap between the two pockets was shorter. The cavern he ended up in was much narrower than the two relatively circular ones he had been In prior. If he extended both arms fully without the use of his devil fruit he was able to run a hand down either wall.

He progressed cautiously in this manner, feeling that he was close to whatever was triggering the pull in his core. It grew more and more relaxed the further forward he progressed.

By the time luffys fool hit the sheath on the ground, the felling had almost fully subsided.

The sound of the metal scraping across the stone floors of the cavern startled luffy to a stand-still.

It took him a second to relax again. He went to pick up what it was but found that only one end lifted. Frowning, he felt along the cold metal until he felt the fluffy rim of kikokus hilt. Luffy recognised the blade at once ans began to panic.

"Torao!" He cried, feeling frantically around the area where the sword was. There appeared to have been a collapse and rubble filled the space where the wall should have been.

Finally, his searching fingers closed around a warm hand. He knew it well. The biggest give away was how the hand clung to the sword luffy had seen so much of.

Luffy cried out again as he began frantically clearing the rubble. Fortunately, the actual body of Trafalgar Law had not been hit, but his condition had gone down hill.

His breathing was so scarce that luffy had to completely still to be able to pick
Up on it. Having freed laws arm and leg  from the rubble, luffy carefull scooped him up, shufflin back out to the narrow strip of cave. Laws burning body was quaking in his arms and luffy knew full well that he had to seek help.

Taking a deep breath, luffy carefully tucked law and his sword onto his back, making sure they were secure before he bit down on his thumb, inflating his arm to the size of a giants, if not bigger.

His fist scarsely fit in the limited space they were confined  to, but luffy didn't let it slow him down. Laws life was on the line, after all.

Black haki ripples over luffys fist, hardening so that it could bust through he stone with ease. Luffy gritted his teeth, makig one final check on law before yelling,

"Gomu no good noo..... ELEPHANT GUN!'

his hand shot through he air and collided with the roof, making a soft crumbling sound. Lluffys haki covered fist sliced through the stone imprisoning the two of them like a knife through butter. But even as he did so he need in his bones that something was wrong.

The snapping sound that came from somewhere inside luffy and law as well, he sound of a bond snapping shut, was drowned out by the explosion of rock as luffys attack exposed the clear skies above them.

A sharp pain shot through his head and hs vision began to swim, but he didn't allow himself to stray from his task.  He clung to the rim of the hole he had made with his now de-inflated arm, launching the two of them up into the open air.

The cool breeze hit him as soon as he resurfaced, such a pleasant feeling after the claustrophobic atmosphere of the caves. Hands broken and bleeding, luffy gently lays law down and sways on his feet.

Another sharp stab of pain jolted through him and he collapsed on the ground, clutching his head. He whimpered as the lain only increased until it was so blinding kuffy could barely move. He crawled over to law, dropping down veside him just as his mind faded into black.

Law, though he was unconcious and experiencing a high fever, was going through a similar experience to luffy. There was a constant tig at every Fibre if his being, as if parts of his were being sown together.

This was not far from the truth. You see, this island held a curse. A curse that nobody had been able to explain because nobody who had the curse placed on them tends to escape the mountain.

The curse of magnetic attraction.

An- hey yall, just letting you know there are weekly updates on this story so sorry for the wait.

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