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Law and luffy had been wandering around for a while now, finding all sorts stashed away in the unique ship of the Kuja pirates. In the end they had ended up on the deck. Law had paid attention to the location of the kitchen area the day before and was careful to keep luffy away.

He was getting bored of this roaming and could tell luffy was as well, which didn't surprise him giving said boys attention span. He dragged luffy to the edge of the railing and then let him go completely, leaving one of his hands feeling cold without the access warmth.

He slumped down and crossed his arms behind his head, luffy stood beside him, staring out at the sea. He said nothing for a little while, and they sat in an odly comforting silence.

After a few minutes, luffy sighed and slid down beside law.

"I don't know how you went all this time by yourself tora-o. I haven't been separated from My crew all that long and I already miss them."

Law glanced at him before reclisong his eyes.

"It was alright. I prefer being alone anyway." He dismissed the subject. Inn actual fact, he hated being alone. Having some peace and quiet was different, but the feeling of being completely by himself and unloved and uncared for did not do good things to law.

Luffy didn't let the subject drop.

"I think your bluffing. Nobody likes being alone like that, no matter who they are. Are you really alright?"

Law was rather shocked at this statement at first, but when he thought about it it was such a luffy like thing to say. He may be stupid but he was kind and his simple mindedness actually allowed him to read people like a book in certain scenarios. Like the one they were in.

"... sometime i wonder what Goes on in that head of yours." He muttered, turning away. "But you are right, the first few weeks at punk hazard took their toll. It was better when you guys showed up though. Being surrounded by allies was definitely better than being stuck with enemies."

Luffy was quiet for a bit, almost as if he were thinking, but that wasn't possible. Then he let out a huff and flipped himself so he was straddling laws lap, wrapping his arms around him and laying his head on his chest.

Laws entie being froze, his face flushing beet red.

"What are you doing? He asked, thanking all the gods he could name that his voice came out normal.

"You needed a hug." The younger replied matter of factly.

Law hated to admit it but it was true. Trying to keep himself from imploding, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around the younger and sat his chin on his head. My god he felt better for it.

In that one moment, law became so, so glad that of all the people he could have been stuck with, he got luffy.

Meanwhile, boa hancock had sent her crew out to find luffy and inform him that lunch was ready. She was storming around the ship, making her way up to the deck where she hoped she might find luffy.

Having been a warlord for a while, she had gotten to know law a little but she never really understood him. Unlike most, his reasons for becoming a warlord were never clear, and nor where his plans and intents. This made hancock more nervous than she cared to admit.

When she had seen in the newspaper that he had joined up with luffy, her luffy, she had began to mistrust him more. He was clearly not true to his word, since he had allied with a pirate and he shouldn't have with his title, and so she feared he would betray luffy. If he did, she swore she would kill him.

This recent development of the curse was the final straw for her. She was jealous of the company he was able to Maintain with luffy. Hell, they had to sleep together. And now she had to feed him as well. For luffys sake she tended to ignore he was there but she didn't know how much longer she could keep up the act.

It didn't help that she was the one who found the two. Or how she found them. Hugging. On the deck. Her deck. Her luffy. Law shouldn't be there. It should be her. Why was he there.

"Trafalgar. Don't you touch him." She growled, angry beyond words. Luffy looked up at her, curious, and as much as it melted her heart, the view was ruined by him. That thieving, lying snake.

Law had the decency to lift luffy off his lap, seemingly uninteresting in engaging with hancock. But she had every intention of engaging with him.

The second luffy was out of her path she called on her devil fruit.

"Love love beam!" She yelled, catching law, who was confused as to Hancock's sudden aggression, off guard.

Before it could hit him, luffy was in the way, faint anger evident on his features.

"Oi, hammock, what are you doing?" He asked. Guilt swept through hancock then. Luffy was mad at her, she had hit him.... she hit him...

"I-i'm sorry luffy dear I was supposed to hit that damn Trafalgar, are you hurt?" She asked, darting over and begining to examine him for injury. Law stood as she did and hovered behind luffy, partially confused.

He had seen this attack many times over the year and knew full well how it worked. Luffy, if he felt any attraction towards hancock even in the slightest, should have been turned to stone. Even law himself would have fallen victim. And yet hancock claimed to be his wife? He was confused, to say the least.

Luffy was still staring hancock down, the anger bubbling away inder his shallow exterior.

"I don't care that you hit me, hammock." He growled, his voice low. "Im fine."

Law and hancock were equally surprised by the hostility in his tone. Hancock fell silent, taking a step back, while law observed in quiet curiosity.

"But you know that law is my ally. that means he's my friend, and I don't like it when people attack friends of mine. I'll let you off with a warning, because your my friend as well, But never again, you understand?"

There was an unerving silence as luffys words settled in. When the silence finally broke, hancock nodded, blushing, bowed he head, muttered 'lunch is ready' and scuttled away.

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