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The town of Dressrossa lay in waste.

Buildings were strewn around as if they had been scattered by a screaming child in the midst of a temper tantrum. The occasional corpse lay burried amongst the carnage, and the streets were stained in blood.

But, despite all this, cries of joy could be heard, even in the early hours of the morning. The town of dressrossa may have been broken, but its people were finally not.The waters, however, were completely calm. The inky black was disturbed only by the waves and the soft light of the new moon.

Until the perfect stillness was disrupted by the small boat containing the towns saviours.

"Man, do we really have to go right now Torao? We're missing the party!" The smaller of the two figures whined, looking longingly over his shoulder towards the song and laughter echoing through the streets of the town.
"Yes, mugiwara-ya, unless you plan to deal with the marines and find your own way to Zou." The other responded, tucking Kikoku, his sword, behind him and leaning back.

The younger male, Monkey d. Luffy, captain of the straw hat pirates, only pouted, crossing his arms. His companion, Trafalgar Law, only threw a pair of oars at him and closed his eyes, not seeping but simply at peace in the darkness behind his eyelids.It became evident by the way the boat swayed that they younger had followed his instructions. Neither of them said a word to each other, though it was not out of spite. They simply had nothing to say and no reason to disturb the peaceful atmosphere.It became evident by the way the boat swayed that they younger had followed his instructions. 

Law, however, was not particularly pleased with the way things had turned out. Yes he was delighted that they had been able to take down his loathed uncle doflamingo, and that they had done so without any casualties on their behalf, but now he was stuck in a small dingy with the man he had sworn to avoid. It seemed as if the other was sticking to him on purpose.Either way, there was nothing Law could do but keep to himself and pretend to be sleeping peacefully to avoid interacting with his ally.

Luffy, on the other hand, was not loving the idea of rowing the entire way to Zou. Being the captain of his own ship, and a stubborn one at that, it didn't usually fall on him to have to do the work. But he didn't complain. How could he? Law looked thoroughly exhausted, although luffy could tell he wasn't asleep. He didn't question why his friend was pretending. He trusted that there were reasons.

So he worked silently, letting Law lie there for hours. But of course he couldn't stay silent that long. Eventually, his personality got the better and he muttered,"Oi, Torao, if you're gonna lie there doing nothing you could at least sleep"

Law cracked an eye open, mildly surprised. He had assumed that the moron has bought his act and that was the reason for his unusually long silence. Still, he didn't intend to get up, and maybe luffy didn't realize but there was no way he'd be doing any rowing with that arm of his. So he simply shut he's eye and said nothing.This of course only made luffy more impatient. He knew Law couldn't row. He had realised that soon after the thought crossed his mind. But now it. was like law was blowing him off and it didnt sit well with him.

So, he pulled the oars up, grabbed a blanket and extended his arms, latching onto law, wrapping him in a blanket and pulling him up so he sat with his back to luffy.

Poor law had no idea what was going on in this god damned boat. He had been resting peacefully and then luffy had attacked him out of the blue and rolled him up in a blanket burrito. He yelped as he was dragged across the ship and straight into luffy who wrapped him up and then stilled, content."M-mugiwara-ya, what the hell are you-" He began, utterly pissed.

"Relax." The boy cut him off, a slight whine in his voice. "You weren't doing anything so you have to at least get some sleep! You look exhausted."

This shut law up quickly. Of course he had every intention of getting up and moving away from the contact that was already begining to increase his heart rate, but there was something that stopped him.

He hated to admit it but there was such comfort that came with his current position that he hadn't experienced in quite some time... he almost felt like his body was switching off. Before he recognised the unfamiliar feeling of peaceful, drug free sleep, it had already overcome him.All he managed to get out before he gave in to the blissful darkness was a faint 'tch'. Luffy caught it and chuckled lightly, watching as the surgeon of death fell asleep on his chest. He gently picked the oars back up and started rowing again, being uncharacteristically careful with the sleeping man.

He hummed to himself, a tune he was well familiar with as it was one of his crews favorites, binks booze. Every now and then, he would glance down at the vivre card law had handed him wordlessly as they left the town of Dressrossa, checking that they were still on the right course. And so, time passed.

Law stirred hours later. It was dawn, but you wouldn't have been able to tell due to the ominous looking clouds blocking out the rising sun.

He cracked an eye open, feeling the best he had in a long while regardless of the countless cuts and bruises that coated his body.

'Who he hell drugged me...' He thought, wary. 'I'll have to ask them what they used before I kill them...I slept like a baby.'He sat up and stretched..and then he froze. A small groan escaped him as he realised the real reason behind his sleep.

"God dammed I was meant to be avoiding him...' he scolded himself, turning to look at luffy and allowing the blanket to drop off his shoulders.

He younger boy was staring at the sky, looking lost in thought. For a split second, law feared that they were lost. Luffy glanced down, noticing law and greeting him with a grin.

"Morning!" He chirped. Law just blinked, wondering how the hell he had so much energy when he'd been rowing all night.

Sighing and lacking excuses for both himself and his companion, he retreated.

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