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oml i just realised that it chas been a year since i joined wattpad and 6 months since i published my first chapter. I don't want to start a whole rant here but I've recieved so much love and support on this app and it has honestly made me so happy to have real people reading and engaging with stories that i wrote on a whim thinking they were so shit. it has really helped me boost my confidence a bit.

this bit is all unnecessary but i feel like i should mention somewhere for a personal record, I am currently sitting at around 90 followers. What the hell, what is worth following! but i will tell you right now you people are up there with my favourites in the world, you have made my entire year,

i have met several amazing people on this app and had some really nice conversations. thank you so much to everyone and anyone who has commented on one of my pieces, it honestly makes the entire thing so much more real. i often think that comments can really make a story great, so it makes me so happy to see all these hilarious people online brightening up my day with simple comments.

I would also like to say that my first ever story, The New Boy, which was Luffy x Nami as it was a favourite of a friend of mine, is currently my most popular with 290 comments, 298 likes and 11.6k readers.

i'm sorry there have been so many authors'notes but this is my main story at the moment so i have been using it to convey all my messages. I hope you understand!

I cannot express how grateful i am to every single one of you, i owe you so much. Again, if there are any requests feel free to let me know!

magnetic attraction (lawlu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora