🎃The Isle of the Lost🎃

Start from the beginning

"What! Mom!" Mal started complaining, They stated to stare each other down, with their eyes glowing green. It went on for a few minutes until Mal quit. "I win!" Maleficent said

"Evie!" The Evil queen yelled for her daughter to come to her. "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother in law wing."

Together they both said "and lots and lots of mirrors!" Evie started laughing "ah! No laughing! Wrinkles!" The evil queen exclaimed.

"Oh well they are not taking my Carlos! I'd miss him too much!" Cruella said while looking at the other parents. "Really mom?" Carols asked hopefully with a hint of happiness in his eyes. "Yes who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" She said as she kicked up her leg into his arms.

When she said that all happiness and hope went out the window. "Yeah maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing." As he threw down her leg "Carlos there are dogs in Auardon." He has a sense of dread and fear on his face "oh no I'm not going!"

"Oozie can't go! Who will clean up my casino!" Oggie boogie says, Oozie shrugs thinking the same thing as Carlos. That Auradon might not be so bad.

"Well jay isn't going either." Jafar stated loudly, "I need him to stock the shelves in my store." He then turned to Jay "what did you score?" Jay started pulling random things out of his jacket. "A lamp!" Jafar exclaimed rubbing it. "Dad.." Jay trailed off and his dad looked at him. "I already tried" he said in a disappointing manner. He father then groaned and threw it down.

"Evie's not going until we do something about this unibrow!" Evil queen said grabbing some tweezers. Evie gasped and placed a hand over the middle of her eyebrows.

" what is wrong with you people!?" Maleficent yelled and looked at them "people used to cower at the mention of our names!" She said as she tried to open the other parents eyes. Maleficent slams her hands down on the table and continued. " for 20 years I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years they have robbed us for our own revenge!"

She then turned toward the evil queen and Evie " revenge against Snow White and her horrible little men!" Evil queen nodded and plucked a hair out of evies eyebrow. "Ow!" Evie exclaimed

Maleficent then turns to jafar. "Revenge against Aladdin and his bloated genie!" She told him "I will...!" Jafar started but Jay cut him off " pops!" Before jafar could say anything else.

She then turned towards cruella and Carlos. "Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped your clutches!" Then cruella started acting insane. "Oh, but they didn't the baby... they didn't get the... they didn't get the baby!" As she squeezed the head of the stuffed dog that was in her coat laughing evilly insane.

She  looks to Oggie boogie "revenge on the skeleton, doll, and fat man in the red suit!" Oogie boogie growls. His green was starting to show "dad!" Oggie looks at his son and composes himself fixing his brown suit.

"And I... Maleficent... the evilest of them all. I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince!" She says looking at herself in the mirror making a face. "Villains!"

"Yes?" As the parents responded to her. "Our day has come" she told them. "EQ" she said as she looked toward the evil queen "mhm?" She replied. "Give her the magic mirror!" Maleficent told her as she comes to stand by the evil queen. "This is your magic mirror?" Evie asks her mother as she hands her a small piece.

"Yeah well it ain't what it used to be, then again neither are we!" The evil queen stated causing her and Maleficent to laugh. "It helps you find things." She told evie. "Like a prince?" She asks with hope as she looks at the mirror. " like my waist line." The evil queen jokes.

"Like the magic wand! Hello!" Maleficent corrects them. "My spell book! My book, I need my.. that book!" The evil queen the points a finger at the refrigerator. "Oh ah! The safe! The safe!" I can never figure this thing out."

She finally opens it "my spell... come darling. Come oh... oooh! Oh oh!" Maleficent says making Mal walk over to her. "There she is, it's doesn't work here. It will work in auardon. Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives!?" She exclaimed

"Like it was yesterday!" The evil queen agreed. "And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you." Maleficent tells mal before there was a sound of a door closing outside. "Door!" Then there was a car horn.

"Let's get this party started!" Jays exclaims. As everyone starts gathering their things. "Carlos! Come!" Cruella ordered before they walked downstairs.

Oggie take Oozie by the arm and bring him into his office "son, I know I'm the villain, but that doesn't mean you have to be. Don't listen to that crazy fairy, all I want for you is to be happy." Oozie smiles to his dad and gives him a secret hug goodbye.

They walk out and hear EQ say "Who is the fairest of them all?!" The evil queen asks her daughter. "Me!" Evie said while looking into the magic mirror. The evil queen gasps and immediately she corrected herself "you!" The evil queen tells her "yes! Now let's go!"

Jafar pulls Jay to the side and asks him "now recite our mantra!" Jay quickly states "there's no I in team!" Jafar then tells him " oh run along! Your making me tear up!"

They all then go downstairs, Carlos quickly runs and throws his bag jumping into the car with cruella running after him. Jay, Evie, Ozzie, and Mal follow him. "Bring home gold!" Jafar yells to jay. "Bring home a puppy!" Cruella yells towards Carols. "Being home a prince!" The evil queen yells to Evie, as they drive away in the limo, Ozzie and Mal look into the window to see his dad smiling signing I love you to all of them, and her mom giving her a signs that she was watching her with a smirk.

The limo starts and they hear the driver say that the jackals have landed. They can her a girls voice come through, saying thank you and we will see you when you all arrive!

The boys look at all the candy, Carlos wears a huge smile on his face. Carlos and Jay start fighting and grunting. Oozie smirks and takes a bowl of mixed candies. Jay puts head phones on his head as they all look around. Evie grabs a blue rock candy and pulls out her make up turning to Mal. "Your looking a little washed up, let me help you." She stays applying the makeup. Mal swats her hand away "ew stop! I'm plotting!" Evie meets eyes with Oozie and says "we'll it's not very attractive." Mal hmms as the four others bite into candies. Carlos groans making everyone look at him "these.. it's salty like nuts, but it's sweet like I don't know what." Jay narrows his eyes "let me see." Carlos opens his mouth showing him the chewed up food. The boys share a grossed out look and Jay goes for the candy, grabbing it, he puts it in his mouth. Carlos sees the look on Jays face and he nods.

Mal pick up a black remote and pushed a button, the window goes down revealing the driver. Evie turns and looks out the window "look!" The teens all see that he was about to drive over the broken bridge, "it's a trap!" Carlos screams out making the five of them scream.

A golden light appears making Oozie sit up and look around, he sees the bridge appear underneath them. "What just happened?" Everyone turns to the back of the limo and sees a better view of the golden bridge. Evie smiles as the rest of them sits up "it must be magic!"

Mal turns to the driver tapping the remote to get his attention "hey!" The man looks up at her through the rear view mirror "did this little button open the magic barrier?" The man looks back at her "no, this one opens up the magic barrier, that one opens my garage, and this one.." he says pushing a button, the black window goes up. Mal and Evie turn around with smiles as the boys have shocked looks on their faces. "Okay, nasty, I like that guy." She says tapping the remote on her thigh.

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