A Whole New World

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"I'm no human expert but I'm pretty sure humans aren't supposed to collapse." Carlos said. Was it true humans were so easily frightened? He couldn't imagine what would've happened if the boy saw the giant at full height.

"Kid—eh—human?" Carlos bent close, he gently shook the young kid's body.

"Ugh..." he grumbled slowly awakening. "I...had the strangest dream...I saw a guy shrinking and throw a massive rock and say he's from a whole other land and—oh." He blinked wishing Carlos wasn't there and proved he dreamt the whole interaction.

Carlos smiled extending his hand. "You okay? Was afraid I came across to frightening. Now, who knows what chaos might've been unleashed if was my standard height."

"Rigggggggggggght. Cause you're a giant and if you were a giant why are you human size now?"

"Made a deal with a witch. Turned me, human, for seven days! Part of the deal was to learn what it means to be human within the period if wanna stay human permanently."Carlos rolled his eyes like the boy should've figured the mystery out.

"Of course, silly me."

"I'm rather shocked you haven't made a deal with a witch. A witch possesses the power to make you taller, less fragile, and stronger!" Carlos said helping the little child up.

"Mhm...listen, Carlos right? We need to get some clothes because a grown-ass naked man talking to a minor won't look good."

"Minor? Do human children gather coal a lot?"

"Dude, shit move!" Noah tackled Carlos and hid behind a gigantic rock. Two guards scanned the area below dumbfounded.

"I swear there were people here!" One said.

"Dale, been drinking again?" The other said chewing gum.

"Nah! Paul, I saw a naked man and a kid!"

"Sure-sure. Let's take a break." Paul said.

"But..oh forget it." The two guards left.

"Why are we hiding? Did we commit a crime?" Carlos whispered obnoxiously loud. Surly enough nobody would dare arrest him! He is Prince Carlos! Adored Prince Carlos! Prince Carlos helps peasants, loves babysitting children, and treats his maids and helpers kindly! 

"Let's say public nudity warrants an arrest here." 

"An arrest?! Do such crude acts occur often? Back home, one who leaves home without clothes simply revives mockery!" Carlos exclaimed.

"Mockery will be the last thing to worry about! We need to head to the gift shop."

Gift shop? These strange being used such odd names and created even stranger laws! What other absurd elements wait Carlos? Do they eat without utensils? Ride warthogs instead of horses? Sleeping during the day and waking up at night? How about their kings and queens? Are the rulers kind as Carlos? If so, he very much would like to meet the human's king or queen! Lucky him, he's met a human already! "Tell me, boy, what's your name."

"Noah Hudson," Noah answered.

"Beautiful name! My great uncle Noah slayed a dragon once!" Ah, a lovely story! His great uncle Noah plunged a sharp blade and shredded the Dragon Rorik's heart! He wondered if the boy Noah's family shared any fascinating stories too.

"Interesting, how about focusing on getting the hell out of here." Noah snapped.

"Agreed, do you have a plan?"

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